The Middle East Report

The Middle East Report

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Page 7 of 21
Massive Protests on Judicial Reform in Israel. What is the real Story? Is the Country on the Brink of Civil War?
August 27, 2023

CBN Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchel provides the clarity we need.

ID: 78279
Judicial Reform is Tearing Apart Israel, is the Country on the Brink of Civil War?
August 26, 2023

CBN Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell explains what happening in Israel.

ID: 78278
One State or a Two State Solution for Israel and the Arabs. Does the Bible have the answer?
August 20, 2023

Sergey Brosov looks at the one State or a two State Solution for Israel and the Arabs. Does the Bible have the answer?

ID: 78277
Can Jewish People Be Christians?
August 19, 2023

Seregy Brosov Answers this question, "what happens to a Jew who realizes that Jesus is the Messiah"?

ID: 78276
Looking For Modern Day Prophetic Miracle? Look at the State of Israel!
August 06, 2023

Former Congresswoman Michelle Bachman says if you want to see a prophetic miracle, something God promised, just look at the Jewish people and the state of Israel.

ID: 77960
The Success of the USA Depends on Our Love and Support of Israel
August 05, 2023

Former Congresswoman Michelle Bachman says, if we want our nation to succeed, we must love the Jewish people and the land of Israel. If we don't, we will face difficult days.

ID: 77959
The Hiding Place, a New Film You Must See! The Story of Corrie Ten Boom.
July 30, 2023

The Hiding Place, a brand new film hits theaters next week. Don't Miss this film! Dr. Tricia Miller with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem says there are many important lessons we can learn from the story about  of Corrie Ten Boom. Over six million Jewish people lost their lives. We must never forget.

ID: 77958
Corrie Ten Boom-God Used Her to Rescue Jewish People during WW2
July 29, 2023

The Hiding Place, a brand new film hits theaters next week. Don't Miss this film! Dr. Tricia Miller with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem recounts a personal story about Corrie Ten Boom.

ID: 77956
Are Jewish Believers in Jesus Being Persecuted in Israel?
July 14, 2023

All Israel News Reports on several Instances of Christians and Jewish believers In Jesus experiencing persecution

ID: 77799
Representative ILhan Omar Once Again Demonstrates Her Hatred Toward Jewish People
July 14, 2023

All Israel News Says Ilhan Omar will boycott an official visit from the President of Israel. Also, Biden digs in on trying to control the Internal politics of Israel.

ID: 77800
A Compelling First-Hand Report on What Life is Like on the Border with Gaza Terrorists.
July 01, 2023

Israeli citizens along the Gaza border have less then 15 seconds to seek shelter when Gaza Terrorists from rockets! Listen to this exclusive interview with Adele Raemer!

ID: 77631
Life on The Border with Gaza Terrorists. Israeli Citizens Have only 10-15 seconds to Seek Shelter from Rockets!
July 01, 2023

In spite of the constant attacks from Gaza Terrorists, most Israeli citizens remain positive. Don't miss this exclusive interview with Adele Raemer.

ID: 77632
A strong Word for Our Nation- Special Edition
June 30, 2023

Historian Bill Federer Gives a Word of Caution and Encouragement for our Nation ae we Celebrate our Independence.

ID: 77624
Our Founding Fathers, Who Were They?
June 30, 2023

You will be surprised an moved to find out what our founding fathers wen through to secure our liberties.

ID: 77625
Why is China Suddenly so Involved in the Middle East Region?
June 16, 2023

Tal Heinrich is the senior correspondent for All Israel News. She is also the executive producer of the Rosenberg report on TBN. Tal Shares the inside scoop.

ID: 77413
Is the White House Secretly Negotiating a New Iran Nuke Deal?
June 16, 2023

Tal Heinrich, senior correspondent for All Israel News explains what going on.

ID: 77426
Is President Biden Trying to Control Internal Israeli Politics and Policy?
June 16, 2023

Israeli President Herzog to get an invite to the White House while Biden Ignores Prime Minister Netanyahu. Tal Heinrich, senior correspondent for All Israel News gives us the inside scoop.

ID: 77427
Are Democrats Lying about Israel and the Jewish People?
June 01, 2023

Speaker McCarthy led a bipartisan delegation to Israel. There was no mention from Democrats on that trip of the damage the Biden administration has caused between Israel and the United States. Biden is giving millions to the Palestinian Government who use the money to pay salaries to terrorists to kill innocent Israeli Citizens.

ID: 76872
President Biden Continues to Damage the Relationship Between Israel and the USA
June 01, 2023

President Biden is giving millions of dollars to the Palestinian Government. The Palestinian Government uses the money to pay the salaries of terrorists who kill innocent Israeli citizens. Biden also continues to interfere in internal Israeli politics.

ID: 76874
Why do Jews Pray at a Wall in Jerusalem?
May 26, 2023

Thousands of Jewish people are praying at what is called the Western Wall, or Kotel. Why is that so holy to them? Joe Freedman, a tour Guide with the Western Wall Heritage Foundation explains.

ID: 76685
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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