The Stand Radio

The Stand Radio is a weekly program highlighting the current topics covered each month in The Stand – the official online and print publications of the American Family Association. Through interviews with authors, writers, and newsmakers, host Jeff Chamblee helps listeners apply a biblical worldview to the latest developments in culture, faith and family.

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Episodes (46)
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Super Tuesday Preview, Being Salt and Light in the Culture, and Remembering Brother Don
March 02, 2024

In this episode, American Family Association VP Walker Wildmon gives us a preview of the Super Tuesday primary. Then Austin Brooks with American Family Studios introduces a new video series highlighting everyday Christians making a difference in their communities. Also, Rebecca Davis and Rusty Benson share their memories of working with AFA Founder Don Wildmon, and how the commemorative issue of The Stand magazine honors his legacy.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:31 Walker Wildmon on Super Tuesday

08:43-16:56 Austin Brooks on the Impact Video Series

17:04 -26:58 Rebecca Davis and Rusty Benson Remember Bro. Don

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Free 6-month subscription to The Stand magazine

The Stand Daily Email

ID: 80814
Election Analysis, Parental Consent Now Endangered by Federal Law, Invasion on the Southern Border
February 24, 2024

In this episode, AFN News Coordinator Chris Woodward analyses the South Carolina GOP primary. Then, AFA Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Jameson Taylor explains how Oklahoma and Mississippi are pushing back against a new federal law that empowers schools to be the center of children's healthcare while minimizing parental consent. Also, Dr. Jerry Newcombe, Executive Director of the Providence Forum, describes the crisis on the southern border and offers a balanced Christian response.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-05:46 Chris Woodward on the South Carolina primary

05:57-14:40 Jameson Taylor on the federal threat to parental consent

14:48 -26:57 Dr. Jerry Newcombe on the southern border

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

The Razor-Thin Margin of Our Freedom - article

Free 6-month subscription to The Stand magazine

The Stand Daily Email

Jamison Taylor's Action Points to uphold parental consent in schools:

First, make two phone calls …

Call OK Speaker of the House Charles McCall at (405) 557-7412 and ask him to pass HB 3324. Ask him to stand up to the Biden administration and pass Rep. Staires bill to protect OK parental rights for healthcare.

In MS, Rep. Lee Yancey has introduced a good bill that will be working its way through the process. Call or email your MS state lawmaker and ask them to support Lee Yancey’s two bills to protect parental consent for healthcare. They are HB 1100 and HB 1169.

Second, call your governor and ask him or her to intervene. The states don’t just have to do whatever the federal government says. But it’s governors and state education superintendents who will be implementing this.

Third, call your local school board and start asking questions. Here are three questions to get you started:

  • What is your school’s policy regarding parental consent for student healthcare?
  • Are you, as a parent, on record as providing blanket consent for your child's healthcare? 
  • What agreements does your school have with any providers to offer comprehensive healthcare, or any kinds of healthcare, in or through your school?
ID: 80758
Federal Control Over Internet Providers, Israel's War in Gaza, and Progressive Christianity
February 17, 2024

In this episode, Abraham Hamilton III explains the latest federal power grab over Internet service providers. Then, AFN News Director Fred Jackson explains what's behind the Biden administration's push for a two-state solution for Israel. Also, author and speaker Jason Jimenez exposes the dangers of progressive Christianity and shows how believers should respond.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:30 Abraham Hamilton III on Federal Control over Internet Service Providers

08:40 -16:04 Fred Jackson and the push for a two-state solution

16:17 -26:59 Jason Jimenez on Progressive Christianity

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Resources mentioned in today's podcast:

Hijacking Jesus - How Progressive Christians are Remaking Him and Taking Over His Church, by Jason Jimenez

Jason Jimenez's Challenging Conversations Podcast

Free 6-month subscription to The Stand magazine

The Stand Daily Email

ID: 80653
Supporting Persecuted Christians in Russia, Christian Nationalism, Schism in the United Methodist Church
February 10, 2024

In this episode, Cedra Sartin tells about the persecuted Church in Russia and how Western believers can show their support through the Orange Letter Campaign. Later, Dr. Alex McFarland explains the term, Christian Nationalism, and gives historical evidence for Christian involvement in the public square. And, Dr. Ray Rooney provides an overview of the schism within the United Methodist Church and gives advice to congregations wanting to leave.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:29 The Orange Letter Campaign

08:39 -17:07 Christian Nationalism

17:11 -26:59 Schism in the UMC

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Resources mentioned in today's podcast:



Article on Schism from The Stand magazine by Matthew White

Free 6-month subscription to The Stand magazine

The Stand Daily Email

ID: 80554
The AFA Retreat, Meta's Blind Eye Toward Sexual Exploitation, Raising Spiritual Champions
February 03, 2024

In this episode, Chelsea Wildmon tells us about the upcoming AFA Retreat. Then Haley McNamara from the National Center on Sexual Exploitation reveals the dangers young people face on social media and how Meta, the parent company behind Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, is part of the problem. And, Dr. George Barna highlights shocking data on the worldview of 8-12 year-olds, and offers advice from his book, Raising Spiritual Champions.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-03:18 The AFA Retreat

03:24-12:11 Meta and Sexual Exploitation

12:23-27:02 Raising Spiritual Champions

27:20-28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Contact Meta about sexual exploitation

Purchase Raising Spiritual Champions

Free 6-month subscription to The Stand magazine

ID: 80479
Protecting Human Life at All Stages, The Worst Countries for Christian Persecution, and Getting the Right Spiritual Posture When Reading the Bible
January 27, 2024

In this episode AFR morning host JJ Jasper talks about the impact of PreBorn ultrasounds and how they help protect human life. Then, Jeff King of International Christian Concern, gives us an update on Christian persecution around the globe and what's ahead for believers in the West. Also, author and Bible teacher Kristi McLelland explains why our spiritual posture makes all the difference as we approach the scriptures.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-10:13 JJ Jasper and PreBorn

10:26-18:37 Jeff King and Christian persecution

18:45-27:19 Kristi McLelland

27:20-28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

International Christian Concern's 2023 Persecution Report


Links for Kristi McLelland



ID: 80385
The Biden Rule Opposing Christian Foster Parents, Getting Help for Your Marriage, and The Growing Culture of Antisemitism in the U.S.
January 20, 2024

This week, AFA Executive Vice-President, Ed Vitagliano, exposes the latest proposed rule from the Biden administration that would effectively discriminate against Christians who want to become foster parents. Pastor Bert Harper, co-host of Exploring the Word, discusses common reasons for divorce and the best ways to benefit from marriage counseling. Then, Gary Bauer of American Values explains the roots of antisemitism in American universities and gives practical suggestions on showing support for the Jewish communities where we live.

00:00-00:59 Program Intro and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:39 The Biden LGBTQ Foster Care Rule and AFA Action Alert

08:48-17:21 Seeking and Benefitting from Marriage Counseling

17:33-26:57 Gary Bauer on Antisemitism in the U.S.

26:57-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlights

Biden Administration Proposed Foster Care Rule

The letter from 19 state Attorney's General to the Biden Administration

ID: 80251
What to Know about the GOP Iowa Caucus, Pro Life Ministry in Abortion Sanctuary States, and Helping Women and Men Scarred by Abortion
January 13, 2024

In this episode, we'll preview next week's Iowa Caucus and learn what makes it important in the race for the White House. Then Dan Steiner talks about the ministry of PreBorn, and tells how an ultrasound can have a life changing impact on a mother considering abortions. We’ll also hear from author and speaker Camille Cates, as she explains the emotional fallout of an abortion and how believers can help. She'll also tell how her book, Moving Forward after Abortion: Finding Comfort in God can be used by churches to help women and men scarred by abortion.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-05:20 Walker Wildmon on the Iowa Caucuses

05:21-12:00 Dan Steiner of PreBorn and the Impact of Ultrasounds

12:12-26:55 Camille Cates' Story of Abortion and Recovery Ministry

27:00-28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

ID: 80263
The Future of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), The State of the American Church, and an online Christian Education alternative to Public Schools
January 06, 2024

This episode explores the future of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), in corporate America. Attorney Steve Crampton comments on DEI and provides helpful suggestions on avoiding intrusive workplace questionnaires and data collection. Then, Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis helps us understand why younger generations have left the Church and explains the reasons and consequences of this alarming trend. We'll also hear about iLumenEd - an online Christian education alternative to public schools.

00:00-00:59 Program introduction and overview

01:00-09:38 Steve Crampton on DEI

09:53-20:22 Ken Ham and the State of the Church

20:36-26:57 Gretchen Pike, Administrator for iLumenEd.


Get your free six-month subscription to The Stand here:


ID: 80131
How to Influence Congress, Apologetics and Gender Identity, and Family Discipleship
December 27, 2023

This week, we're reposting segments from previous episodes of The Stand Radio. Debbie Wuthnow of iVoterGuide describes the process of contacting a member of Congress. Then, Christian author and apologist, Dr. Frank Turek, gives us some insight on how to use logic and natural revelation to counter the push for gender identity. We'll also visit with Abraham Hamilton III, host of The Hamilton Corner, as he and his wife give us an up close look at what discipleship looks in their home.

00:00-00:59 Program Intro and Guest Overview

01:00-06:37 How to Influence Congress - (from the October 14 podcast)

06:49-19:09 Answering Gender Identity Questions - (from the September 14 podcast)

19:20-26:58 Family Discipleship - (from the October 14 podcast)

27:00-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlights



ID: 79885
Preserving Homeschooling Freedom, Waking Up Conservatives, Mark Hall of Casting Crowns
December 13, 2023

In this episode we'll talk with American Family Association attorney and veteran homeschooler, Steve Crampton, about practical steps to preserve parental rights and home education for generations to come. We'll also meet Ana Morris, an 18-year-old podcaster and conservative activist about how to challenge cultural progressives in a social context. Then, Mark Hall, lead vocalist and songwriter for the group Casting Crowns, joins us to talk about their 20th anniversary and the steps of faith he's taken to follow God's leading.

00:00-00:58 Program Intro and Guest Lineup

00:59-10:04 Steve Crampton, Assistant to the General Counsel for AFA, on homeschooling

10:17-17:27 Ana Morris, The Wake Up Conservative

17:31-26:57 Mark Hall of Casting Crowns

26:58-28:00 Program Closing Information

Home Education Legal Resources:

ID: 79816
Help for Single Mothers, A Neurosurgeon's Prescription for Grief, and a Former Narcotics Agent Sees the Grace of God
December 06, 2023

In this episode, we'll talk with Dr. O'Shea Lowery of Entrusted Hope Ministries about one of the largest demographics in our churches - single mothers. Also, Dr. W. Lee Warren, a prominent neurosurgeon, examines the connection between our brains and the way we process grief. Then, a former police officer looks back on a lifetime of service and God's grace through it all.

00:00-00:59 Program Intro

01:00-09:48 Dr. O'Shea Lowery on Single Mothers

09:50-17:18 Neurosurgeon, Dr. W. Lee Warren, MD

17:29-26:57 Kevin Parker, AFA Dir. of Security Operations

26:58 - 28:00 Next Week's Highlights and Program Close

Dr. Warren's Book, Hope is the First Dose

ID: 79736
Christmas at the Ark Encounter, Living by Faith, and Young Pro-life Leaders
December 01, 2023

In this episode we'll talk about a unique Christmas get-away with Ken Ham, CEO of The Creation Museum and The Ark Encounter. Also, Chelsea Wildmon with the AFA Foundation explains the tax benefits of smart year-end giving. Then, we'll look at the next generation of pro-life leaders with 19-year-old Cheyenne Vandeventer of Students for Life of America.

00:00-00:59 Program Intro

01:00-06:28 Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis

06:38-09:50 Chelsea Wildmon with the AFA Foundation

09:56-18:29 The Stand Digital Media Editor, Dr. Ray Rooney

18:43-26:59 Cheyenne Vandeventer of Students for Life of America




ID: 79725
The Toxic War on Masculinity, Christmas Shopping with a Purpose
November 22, 2023

In this episode, we'll talk about ways to spend your Christmas shopping dollars in Kingdom building ways. Then, best-selling author, speaker, and cultural commentator, Nancy Pearcey debunks the myth that evangelical men are most likely to engage in domestic abuse. In her book, The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes, She reveals new research showing that committed evangelical men have the lowest rates of divorce and domestic abuse, are the most engaged with their children, and have the happiest marriages.

00:00-00:59 Program and Guest Highlights

01:00-07:02 Christmas Shopping Suggestions

07:09-26:57 Nancy Pearcey on Biblical Masculinity

26:57-28:00 Next Week's Highlights and Program Close






ID: 79542
Abortion Pill Reversal, 5 Reasons to Give Thanks, and The Blessings and Challenges of Adoption
November 15, 2023

In this episode, Pastor Joseph Parker, host of The Hour of Intercession, talks about the Delta Pregnancy Care and Hope Center and the abortion pill reversal option that can save babies' lives. Also, Matthew White gives us five reasons for thanksgiving the world can't take away. Then Adam and Amy Sudduth candidly discuss the blessings and challenges of being adoptive parents.

00:00-00:59 Program Intro and Guest Highlights

01:00-10:02 Abortion Pill Reversal and Crisis Pregnancy Ministry

10:03-18:13 Five Reasons for Thankfulness

18:26-26:58 Foster Care and Adoption

26:59-28:00 Next Week's Highlights and Program Close

Abortion Pill Reversal - www.abortionpillreversal.com - 877-558-0333

Christian Alliance for Orphans - https://cafo.org/

ID: 79466
The National Bible Bee, AFA Retreat, WWII Documentary, and A Disciple's View with Todd Herman
November 08, 2023

In this episode, Brian Mullins, Executive Director of The National Bible Bee explains how churches and families are made stronger through the study of God's Word. Then Chelsea Wildmon gives us a preview of the 2024 AFA Retreat. Joy Lucius reviews the documentary, We Were There, and Todd Herman joins us to talk about his show, A Disciple's View, and his experiences as a Christian working in some of the largest talk radio networks in the nation.

00:00-08:50 The National Bible Bee

09:01-11:21 The AFA Retreat

11:28-16:34 Joy Lucius reviews We Were There

16:37-28:00 Interview with Todd Herman

Todd Herman's personal testimony - https://thetoddhermanshow.com/news/

ID: 79387
Voting Wisely, IDOP for Persecuted Christians, Parents in Education, and the Matamoros Children's Home
November 01, 2023

In this episode, AFA VP Walker Wildmon previews the upcoming elections, Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs updates us on churches in the middle east and the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians, Sheri Few of US Parents Involved in Education talks about the film, Truth and Lies in American Education, and Dr. Saul Comacho tells the story of God's hand on the Matamoros Children's Home.

00:00-07:50 Walker Wildmon and upcoming elections

07:51-14:23 Todd Nettleton on the International Day of Prayer

14:24-20:35 Sheri Few talks about a new documentary on education

20:36-28:00 Dr. Saul Comacho and the Matamoros Children's Home

ID: 79271
A Brave Pastor, The Healing Church, and Observing Reformation Day
October 26, 2023

This week, Pastor John Amanchukwu calls out public school boards on explicit books and author Sam Black with Covenant Eyes talks about Christians struggling with pornography. Then, it's collection time! Lizette Miller of Operation Christmas Child explains how to send a shoebox around the world and Pastor Bill Bradford shares how his church celebrates Reformation Day.

00:00-05:33 Parrish Alford talks about Pastor John Amanchukwu

05:43-13:13 Sam Black reveals good and bad responses to pornography use among Christians

13:21-17:53 Lizette Miller highlights the impact of Operation Christmas Child around the world

18:04-28:00 Pastor Bill Bradford explains why his church celebrates Reformation Day

ID: 79242
When to Give Kids a Smartphone
October 21, 2023

In this episode we'll talk about Peoria, AZ school board member Heather Brooks and her First Amendment rights to quote the Bible at board meetings. Also, staff writer Hannah Meador gives her review of Anne Graham Lotz's new book, Preparing to Meet Jesus. Then, Dr. Kathy Koch gives helpful advice to parents on children and smartphones. We'll conclude by remembering the fears of the 1960's with staff writer Rusty Benson and his article, The Good Old Days Reconsidered.

For information on non-smartphone options - https://techless.com/

00:00-05:40 Heather Brooks and First Amendment lawsuit

05:50 - 09:30 Hannah Meador's book review of Preparing to Meet Jesus, by Anne Graham Lotz

09:42 - 19:53 Dr. Kathy Koch talks about children and smartphones

20:08 - 28:00 Memories of the 1960's and handling today's fears with Rusty Benson

ID: 79089
Stewardship of Family and Nation
October 14, 2023

In this episode, Debbie Wuthnow of iVoterGuide explains the do's and don'ts of contacting your representatives in Congress. And Abraham Hamilton III gives us the biblical basis of family discipleship and shows us his own family discipleship routine. We'll also recognize the new editorial leadership at The Stand magazine and hear from staff writer Joy Lucius as she reviews the book, The Lord's Supper, by Dr. Jonathan Black.

The Lord's Supper, Our Promised Place of Intimacy and Transformation with Jesus by Dr. Jonathan Black - available (here).

To get your free 6-month subscription to The Stand magazine visit www.afa.net/theStand

00:00 - 06:29 The Stand magazine editorial change with Randall Murphree and Rebecca Davis

06:30 - 12:59 Book review of The Lord's Supper by Jonathan Black

13:00 - 19:00 How to contact a member of Congress

19:15 - 27:00 The importance of family discipleship

ID: 79015

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MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
©2024 - American Family Radio is a ministry division of American Family Association