The Stand Radio is a weekly program highlighting the current topics covered each month in The Stand – the official online and print publications of the American Family Association. Through interviews with authors, writers, and newsmakers, host Jeff Chamblee helps listeners apply a biblical worldview to the latest developments in culture, faith and family.
In this episode Ed Vitagliano, AFA Executive Vice-President, explains how Christians can maintain an attitude of hopefulness in spite of life's hardships. And Bert Harper, co-host of Exploring the Word, talks about the difficulties of leading a church and the importance of showing appreciation to pastors and their families.
This week on The Stand Radio, we’ll talk about the surprising solution to declining church attendance. We'll also examine biblical womanhood with staff writer Hannah Meador and The Stand magazine editor, Rebecca Davis. Then, Patti Garibay of American Heritage Girls concludes the program by laying out some solutions to the dangers facing today’s young girls.
Dr. Frank Turek exposes the hidden faults in transgender ideology by applying logic to the issue of gender. The Stand staff writer Jordan Chamblee points out the lies our kids hear about their true identity and helps parents instill a biblical worldview.
Dr. Jerry Newcomb of Providence Forum talks about the decline in patriotism in America and explains how parents can promote hearts of gratitude in their children. Plus, Dr. Josh Mulvihill of RenewaNation joins us to examine God’s design for grandparents and share some great advice on how they can be a better influence their grandchildren.
President of, William J. Federer, explains why understanding the worldview behind the U.S. Constitution is key to our nation’s future. Plus, Attorney Steve Crampton talks about parental rights and child protection laws and how Target might be stepping over the line.