The Stand Radio

The Stand Radio is a weekly program highlighting the current topics covered each month in The Stand – the official online and print publications of the American Family Association. Through interviews with authors, writers, and newsmakers, host Jeff Chamblee helps listeners apply a biblical worldview to the latest developments in culture, faith and family.

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Episodes (59)
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A Christian Response to Pride Month, 10 Commandments Challenge, and The Power of Fasting
June 01, 2024

In this episode, Joseph Parker explains the month-long Ten Commandments Challenge. Then, Dr. Matt Ayars gives guidance on how Christians should respond to Pride Month. And, Greg Von Tobel, author and Founder of Prisoners for Christ, shares his story on the spiritual power and benefits of fasting.

00:00-00:56 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00 - 07:08 Ten Commandments Challenge with Joseph Parker

07:17 - 17:13 A Christian Response to Pride Month with Dr. Matt Ayars

17:23 - 27:15 The Power and Purpose of Fasting with Greg Von Tobel

26:58 - 28:00 program close and next week's highlights

Article - A Christian Response to Pride Month by Dr. Matt Ayars

Book - Staving off Disaster: A Guide for Christians in Times of Crisis

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ID: 82071
A Memorial Day Tribute with Tom Sileo and America's Christian Heritage with Stephen McDowell
May 25, 2024

In this episode, author Tom Sileo shares his experience interviewing Gold Star families and offers ways we can honor the sacrifices of our fallen military heroes. Then, Stephen McDowell of Providence Foundation reveals the roots of America's Christian heritage and explains why committed churches and parents are crucial for the years ahead.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-15:49 Gold Star families with Tom Sileo

16:02-27:23 America's Christian heritage with Stephen McDowell

27:03 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

I Have Your Back, and other books by Tom Sileo

Article - The Protector by Tom Sileo


Stephen McDowell, George Washington, Man of Providence - DVD

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ID: 81951
AFA Sues FCC Over Data Collection Mandate, Men of Honor, and the Lies American's Believe
May 18, 2024

In this episode, Abraham Hamilton III explains the latest attempt by the FCC to collect data to advance LGBTQ ideology in the workplace. Then, AFA Vice-President Wesley Wildmon tells how the Men of Honor program is helping disciple young men. Also, Pastor John Amanchukwu exposes the lies Americans believe and tells how to introduce truth into our daily interactions.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:42 Abraham Hamilton III and the FCC

08:52-17:19 Wesley Wildmon and Men of Honor

17:34-27:06 Pastor John Amanchukwu

27:03 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Men of Honor Curriculum Download

Book - Hoodwinked: 10 Lies Americans Believe and the Truth that Will Set Them Free

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ID: 81860
The Inefficient Ministry of Motherhood, and Safe Haven Baby Boxes
May 11, 2024

In this episode, Amanda Criss joins us to talk about her article, The Inefficient Ministry of Motherhood, and the opportunity to imitate Christ in the daily routine of being a mother. Also, Monica Kelsey, founder of Safe Haven Baby Boxes explains the epidemic of infant abandonment across the U.S., and how communities can help solve the problem.

00:00-00:56 program open and guest lineup

01:00 - 15:46 Amanda Criss

15:57 - 27:07 Monica Kelsey

26:58 - 28:00 program close and next week's highlights

Safe Haven Baby Boxes

DVD - The Monica Kelsey Story - https://www.afa.net/ts2405

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ID: 81821
Preventing Pastoral Burnout and the Transformation of Homeless and Abused Women and Children
May 04, 2024

In this episode, we'll explore ministerial burnout with Pastor Bill Bradford of Lawndale Presbyterian Church, and find ways to encourage spiritual leaders. Then, we'll go inside the Dream Center of Jackson, TN to hear how homeless and abused women and children are being transformed by the power of Christ.

00:00-00:56 program open and guest lineup

01:00 - 11:28 ministerial burnout

11:35 - 26:57 The Dream Center of Jackson

26:58 - 28:00 program close and next week's highlights


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ID: 81689
Understanding Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Deception, and The Unexpected Joys of Adoption
April 27, 2024

In this episode, Craig Huey explains the benefits and dangers of Artificial Intelligence and how Christians can become agents of trust in an age of deception. Then AFA staff members Bo and Heather Heafner share their unexpected journey into adoption.

00:00-00:56 Program Open and Guest Lineup

00:57-13:39 Artificial Intelligence with Craig Huey

13:48-27:20 Bo and Heather Heafner

27:21 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Get Craig Huey's book, The Great Deception - 10 Shocking Dangers and the Blueprint for Rescuing the American Dream

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ID: 81606
The Mental Health Crisis Among Young Men, and a Deadly New Social Media Scam Aimed at Teens
April 20, 2024

In this episode, Dr. Jessica Peck explains the causes behind the rise in mental health problems among boys and young men and how parents can help. Then, Brian Montgomery shares the tragic story of losing his son, Walker, to a new social media scam that's spreading among teens.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-13:12 Boys' Mental Health with Dr. Jessica Peck

13:18-26:57 Brian Montgomery

26:58 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

The Dr. Nurse Mama Show


Kids Online Safety Act - https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/1409/text

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ID: 81510
A Great Tool to Be Salt and Light in the Culture, Scripture Memory and Intimacy with God, Children and Money Management
April 13, 2024

In this episode, Rebecca Davis with The Stand magazine stops by to give us some creative ways to be salt and light in the world around us. Then, Pastor Andy Davis explains how scripture memory heightens our capacity for spiritual intimacy with God. And Rob West, host of Faith and Finance, lays out steps for teaching children the principles of good financial stewardship.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:36 Rebecca Davis with The Stand magazine

08:46-17:53 Pastor Andy Davis on Scripture Memory

17:59-27:02 Rob West on Children and Financial Stewardship

27:03 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

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Buy the Book - How to Memorize Scripture for Life


Faith and Finance with Rob West

Buy the Book - Trusted: Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime of God-honoring Money Management

ID: 81441
Eric Metaxas Gives An Urgent Warning to the American Church, and the AFA Resource Center Releases a New Devotional Book
April 06, 2024

In this episode, Lennae Patrick, Director of the AFA Resource Center, describes a unique devotional book written by AFA staff members. Then, New York Times bestselling author, Eric Metaxas joins us to talk about his book, Letter to the American Church, and explains why Christians in America have such a brief time to wake up and avoid the mistakes of the German Church in the 1930's.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-07:17 Lennae Patrick with the AFA Resource Center

07:27-27:05 Eric Metaxas, Letter to the American Church

27:06 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program



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ID: 81292
Planet Fitness Pushes Trans Ideology, One Million Moms Victories, and If Christ is Not Risen
March 30, 2024

In this episode, we'll talk with Ed Vitagliano about Patricia Silva and how Planet Fitness cancelled her membership after she photographed a biological man in the women's locker room. Then, Monica Cole of One Million Moms describes recent victories in cleaning up corporate advertising. And, staff writer and pastor Matthew White explains how Jesus resurrection is the reason for our hope.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-06:58 Ed Vitagliano on Planet Fitness

07:08-13:53 Monica Cole of One Million Moms

14:061 -26:58 Matthew White and the Resurrection

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Action Alert on Planet Fitness

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ID: 81217
Walgreen's and CVS Promote the Abortion Pill, How to Avoid Being De-Banked, Remembering Don Wildmon
March 23, 2024

In this episode, attorney Steve Crampton examines the tragic decision of Walgreens and CVS to sell the abortion pill. Then, Michael Ross of Alliance Defending Freedom explains the increasing trend of de-banking and how major corporations are discriminating against conservatives. We'll also remember Don Wildmon with longtime friend and colleague, Michael Murphree.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:06 Steve Crampton on Walgreens and CVS

08:16-15:49 De-banking with Michael Ross

16:01 -26:57 Michael Murphree remembers Don Wildmon

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Alliance Defending Freedom

When Big Banks Discriminate by Kristen Waggoner

ADF Congressional Testimony on De-banking

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ID: 81128
A College Play with a Pro-life Message, Remembering Road Trips with Don Wildmon, Evangelism in Romania
March 16, 2024

In this episode, we'll visit a performance of Rev. Riding in the Hood, a pro-life play on the campus of Blue Mountain Christian University. We'll also hear from long time AFA employee Randy Sharp about his memories working alongside AFA Founder and President Don Wildmon. Then, two Romanian missionaries with Global Outreach share their story of coming to Christ and how the gospel is reaching the younger generation in Romania.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-5:56 Rev. Riding in the Hood- Christi Mitchell

6:03-13:39 Randy Sharp, Remembering Don Wildmon

13:49 -26:55 Alin and Iluiana Muntean

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Global Outreach International

Alin & Iuliana Muntean Missionary Support Page

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ID: 80993
Stop President Biden's Nominee for Secretary of Labor, Spiritual Revival in the Home, and the Culture Warrior Film
March 09, 2024

In this episode, we'll look at President Biden's controversial nominee for Secretary of Labor. Then author and speaker Israel Wayne of Family Renewal, gives practical advice on building a solid spiritual foundation at home. Also, M.D. Perkins joins us to talk about the new film, Culture Warrior, based on the life and ministry of Donald E. Wildmon.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-06:01 Steve Jordahl on Biden's Nominee for Sec. of Labor

06:05-14:31 Israel Wayne on Spiritual Renewal in the Home

14:44 -27:12 M.D. Perkins, director of Culture Warrior

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

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AFA Action Alert on Biden's Nominee for Secretary of Labor

ID: 80877
Super Tuesday Preview, Being Salt and Light in the Culture, and Remembering Brother Don
March 02, 2024

In this episode, American Family Association VP Walker Wildmon gives us a preview of the Super Tuesday primary. Then Austin Brooks with American Family Studios introduces a new video series highlighting everyday Christians making a difference in their communities. Also, Rebecca Davis and Rusty Benson share their memories of working with AFA Founder Don Wildmon, and how the commemorative issue of The Stand magazine honors his legacy.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:31 Walker Wildmon on Super Tuesday

08:43-16:56 Austin Brooks on the Impact Video Series

17:04 -26:58 Rebecca Davis and Rusty Benson Remember Bro. Don

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

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ID: 80814
Election Analysis, Parental Consent Now Endangered by Federal Law, Invasion on the Southern Border
February 24, 2024

In this episode, AFN News Coordinator Chris Woodward analyses the South Carolina GOP primary. Then, AFA Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Jameson Taylor explains how Oklahoma and Mississippi are pushing back against a new federal law that empowers schools to be the center of children's healthcare while minimizing parental consent. Also, Dr. Jerry Newcombe, Executive Director of the Providence Forum, describes the crisis on the southern border and offers a balanced Christian response.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-05:46 Chris Woodward on the South Carolina primary

05:57-14:40 Jameson Taylor on the federal threat to parental consent

14:48 -26:57 Dr. Jerry Newcombe on the southern border

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

The Razor-Thin Margin of Our Freedom - article

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Jamison Taylor's Action Points to uphold parental consent in schools:

First, make two phone calls …

Call OK Speaker of the House Charles McCall at (405) 557-7412 and ask him to pass HB 3324. Ask him to stand up to the Biden administration and pass Rep. Staires bill to protect OK parental rights for healthcare.

In MS, Rep. Lee Yancey has introduced a good bill that will be working its way through the process. Call or email your MS state lawmaker and ask them to support Lee Yancey’s two bills to protect parental consent for healthcare. They are HB 1100 and HB 1169.

Second, call your governor and ask him or her to intervene. The states don’t just have to do whatever the federal government says. But it’s governors and state education superintendents who will be implementing this.

Third, call your local school board and start asking questions. Here are three questions to get you started:

  • What is your school’s policy regarding parental consent for student healthcare?
  • Are you, as a parent, on record as providing blanket consent for your child's healthcare? 
  • What agreements does your school have with any providers to offer comprehensive healthcare, or any kinds of healthcare, in or through your school?
ID: 80758
Federal Control Over Internet Providers, Israel's War in Gaza, and Progressive Christianity
February 17, 2024

In this episode, Abraham Hamilton III explains the latest federal power grab over Internet service providers. Then, AFN News Director Fred Jackson explains what's behind the Biden administration's push for a two-state solution for Israel. Also, author and speaker Jason Jimenez exposes the dangers of progressive Christianity and shows how believers should respond.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:30 Abraham Hamilton III on Federal Control over Internet Service Providers

08:40 -16:04 Fred Jackson and the push for a two-state solution

16:17 -26:59 Jason Jimenez on Progressive Christianity

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Resources mentioned in today's podcast:

Hijacking Jesus - How Progressive Christians are Remaking Him and Taking Over His Church, by Jason Jimenez

Jason Jimenez's Challenging Conversations Podcast

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The Stand Daily Email

ID: 80653
Supporting Persecuted Christians in Russia, Christian Nationalism, Schism in the United Methodist Church
February 10, 2024

In this episode, Cedra Sartin tells about the persecuted Church in Russia and how Western believers can show their support through the Orange Letter Campaign. Later, Dr. Alex McFarland explains the term, Christian Nationalism, and gives historical evidence for Christian involvement in the public square. And, Dr. Ray Rooney provides an overview of the schism within the United Methodist Church and gives advice to congregations wanting to leave.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:29 The Orange Letter Campaign

08:39 -17:07 Christian Nationalism

17:11 -26:59 Schism in the UMC

27:00 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Resources mentioned in today's podcast:



Article on Schism from The Stand magazine by Matthew White

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ID: 80554
The AFA Retreat, Meta's Blind Eye Toward Sexual Exploitation, Raising Spiritual Champions
February 03, 2024

In this episode, Chelsea Wildmon tells us about the upcoming AFA Retreat. Then Haley McNamara from the National Center on Sexual Exploitation reveals the dangers young people face on social media and how Meta, the parent company behind Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, is part of the problem. And, Dr. George Barna highlights shocking data on the worldview of 8-12 year-olds, and offers advice from his book, Raising Spiritual Champions.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-03:18 The AFA Retreat

03:24-12:11 Meta and Sexual Exploitation

12:23-27:02 Raising Spiritual Champions

27:20-28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Contact Meta about sexual exploitation

Purchase Raising Spiritual Champions

Free 6-month subscription to The Stand magazine

ID: 80479
Protecting Human Life at All Stages, The Worst Countries for Christian Persecution, and Getting the Right Spiritual Posture When Reading the Bible
January 27, 2024

In this episode AFR morning host JJ Jasper talks about the impact of PreBorn ultrasounds and how they help protect human life. Then, Jeff King of International Christian Concern, gives us an update on Christian persecution around the globe and what's ahead for believers in the West. Also, author and Bible teacher Kristi McLelland explains why our spiritual posture makes all the difference as we approach the scriptures.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-10:13 JJ Jasper and PreBorn

10:26-18:37 Jeff King and Christian persecution

18:45-27:19 Kristi McLelland

27:20-28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

International Christian Concern's 2023 Persecution Report


Links for Kristi McLelland



ID: 80385
The Biden Rule Opposing Christian Foster Parents, Getting Help for Your Marriage, and The Growing Culture of Antisemitism in the U.S.
January 20, 2024

This week, AFA Executive Vice-President, Ed Vitagliano, exposes the latest proposed rule from the Biden administration that would effectively discriminate against Christians who want to become foster parents. Pastor Bert Harper, co-host of Exploring the Word, discusses common reasons for divorce and the best ways to benefit from marriage counseling. Then, Gary Bauer of American Values explains the roots of antisemitism in American universities and gives practical suggestions on showing support for the Jewish communities where we live.

00:00-00:59 Program Intro and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:39 The Biden LGBTQ Foster Care Rule and AFA Action Alert

08:48-17:21 Seeking and Benefitting from Marriage Counseling

17:33-26:57 Gary Bauer on Antisemitism in the U.S.

26:57-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlights

Biden Administration Proposed Foster Care Rule

The letter from 19 state Attorney's General to the Biden Administration

ID: 80251

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MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
©2024 - American Family Radio is a ministry division of American Family Association