Washington Watch

Washington Watch is a daily program hosted by Family Research Council President Tony Perkins that covers the issues of faith, family and freedom. Tony is your leading source for what is really happening in our nation’s Capital.

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Episodes (1860)
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Mark Krikorian, Melissa Ohden, Tim Graham, Kaeley Triller Haver
February 15, 2019

On the Friday, February 15, 2019 edition of Washington Watch, we heard from:

Today we’ll hear from:

  • Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies, on the National Emergency Declaration.
  • Melissa Ohden, author of “You Carried Me: A Daughter’s Memoir" and an abortion survivor, on President Trump's conference call with 4,500 pro-life activists.
  • Tim Graham, Executive Editor at Newsbusters.org, on the media blackout about the investigation that found no evidence of wrongdoing by the Covington high schoolers.
  • Kaeley Triller Haver, co-founder of the Hands Across the Aisle Women's Coalition, on the transgender ban on free speech and science, and the unlikely partnerships among the women who are suffering as a result.
ID: 22641
Rep. Liz Cheney, Peter Sprigg, Monica Cline, Rep. Paul Gosar
February 13, 2019

On the Wednesday, February 13, 2019 edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, we heard from:

  • Rep. Liz Cheney, U.S. Representative for Wyoming, on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
  • Peter Sprigg, FRC’s Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, on his latest report explaining why those with “gender dysphoria” are disqualified from military service.
  • Monica Cline, former Planned Parenthood sex educator, on Planned Parenthood’s sex education video series created for children ages four to nine.
  • Rep. Paul Gosar, U.S. Representative for Arizona, on Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’ Green New Deal.
ID: 22611
Sen. Mike Lee, Rep. Mike Kelly, Alexandra McPhee
February 12, 2019

On the Tuesday, February 12, 2019 edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, we heard from:

Sen. Mike Lee on his push back against Senate Democrats' interrogation of judicial nominees over their religious convictions.

Rep. Mike Kelly on his new bill that will protect faith-based foster care and adoption agencies from religious discrimination.

Alexandra McPhee on her latest publication, "Rebels Without A Clause: When Senators Run Roughshod Over the No Religious Test Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

ID: 22599
Sen. Josh Hawley, AG Jeff Landry, Fran Coombs, Sheriff Thomas Hodgson
February 11, 2019

On the Monday, February 11, 2019 edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, we heard from:

  • Sen. Josh Hawley, U.S. Senator for Missouri, on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
  • AG Jeff Landry, Attorney General for Louisiana, on the U.S. Supreme Court temporarily blocking a Louisiana pro-life law that would require abortionists to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.
  • Fran Coombs, Managing Editor for Rasmussen Reports, on a new survey revealing that 44 percent of pro-choice voters oppose their state adopting New York's abortion until birth law.
  • Sheriff Thomas Hodgson, Bristol County, Mass. Sheriff, on the dozens of sheriffs who stormed Capitol Hill to demand funding for ICE and President Trump's proposed border wall.
ID: 22588
Sarah Perry, Dr. Susan Berry, Nick Reaves, Melissa Buck, Chad Buck, Ken Klukowski
February 08, 2019

On the Friday, February 8, 2019 edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, we heard from:

  • Dr. Susan Berry, Breitbart News author, on Planned Parenthood falsely claiming that most late-term abortions are only performed in cases of severe fetal abnormalities and where there are serious risks to the mother.
  • Nick Reaves, Becket Fund attorney, on the foster care crisis addressed at the National Prayer Breakfast this morning, and what adoptive parents like Melissa and Chad Buck are doing to fight back.
  • Melissa and Chad Buck, adoptive parents of five, on the ACLU's lawsuit against the state of Michigan for partnering with the very faith-based adoption agency the Buck's worked with to adopt five of their children with special needs.
  • Ken Klukowski, Senior Legal Editor at Breitbart News, on the Supreme Court 's 5-4 decision to temporarily block a Louisiana pro-life law which requires that abortionists have hospital-admitting privileges nearby.
ID: 22575
Rep. Ann Wagner, Chris Mitchell
February 07, 2019

It's Thursday, February 7, 2019, and we’re getting ready for another exciting edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, where each day we’re joined by America’s leaders, policy makers, and culture-shapers as we talk about the important issues of the day from a biblical worldview. Listen here live at 5:05 p.m. ET.

Today we'll hear from:

  • Rep. Ann Wagner, U.S. Representative for Missouri’s 2nd District, on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act she introduced in the House this week.
  • Chris Mitchell, CBN Middle East Bureau Chief, on the latest in Syria and America’s commitment to retain troops.
ID: 22553
Sen. Steve Daines, Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin
February 06, 2019

On the Wednesday, February 6, 2019 edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, we heard from:

  • Sen. Steve Daines, U.S. Senator for Montana, on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
  • Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. Boykin, FRC’s Executive Vice President and founding member of the Army's Delta Force, on the top foreign policy takeaways from the State of the Union address.
ID: 22542
Nina Shea
February 05, 2019

On the Tuesday, February 5, 2019 edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, we heard from:

  • Nina Shea, Director of the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, on how Pope Francis’s visit to the UAE is a breakthrough for religious tolerance in the heart of the Muslim world, but severe problems there persist.
ID: 22532
Clare Lopez, Travis Weber, Rep. Steve Scalise, Erik Stanley, Rep. Mike Johnson
February 04, 2019

On the Monday, February 4, 2019 edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, we heard from:

  • Clare Lopez, Center for Security Policy’s Vice President for Research and Analysis, on keeping U.S. troops in Syria to protect Israel
  • Travis Weber, FRC’s Vice President for Policy, on how life under ISIS has led Syrian Muslims to Christianity
  • Rep. Steve Scalise, U.S. Representative for Louisiana’s 1st District, on the Free Speech Fairness Act
  • Erik Stanley, Senior Counsel and Director of the Center for Christian Ministries at Alliance Defending Freedom, on the Fairness for All Act
  • Rep. Mike Johnson, U.S. Representative for Louisiana’s 4th District, on President Trump’s upcoming State of the Union address
ID: 22507
Sarah Perry, Margot Cleveland, Ismail Royer, Mary Hahn Beerworth, Cathy Ruse
February 01, 2019

On the Friday, February 1, 2019 edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, we heard from:

  • Margot Cleveland, Contributor to The Federalist, on Texas AG Ken Paxton's recent announcement that nearly 58,000 non-citizens voted in one or more Texas elections.
  • Ismail Royer, Religious Freedom Institute's Director of the Islam and Religious Freedom Action Team, on Asia Bibi finally being reunited with her family in Canada, and the hundreds of other Pakistani Christians who are still facing trumped up “blasphemy charges.”
  • Mary Hahn Beerworth, Executive Director of Vermont Right to Life, on Vermont’s extreme abortion bill that removes all limitations on abortion, and would allow an abortion at any point in the pregnancy for any reason.
  • Cathy Ruse, FRC's Senior Fellow and Director of Human Dignity, on a panel at The Heritage Foundation that drew a lot of attention, demonstrating that Americans on both the Right and the Left are concerned about the embracing of the Transgender agenda as the next civil rights cause.
ID: 22501
Rep. Roger Marshall, Debbie Chaves
January 31, 2019

On the Thursday, January 31, 2019 edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, we heard from:

  • Rep. Roger Marshall, U.S. Representative for Kansas’s 1st district and an OB/GYN, on why terminating a pregnancy up until the moment before birth is not only morally abhorrent, but very unsafe and life-threatening to the mother.
  • Debbie Chaves, Executive Director of Colorado Family Action, on the dangers of a state bill expanding Colorado’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CES) in public and charter schools.
ID: 22471
Sarah Perry, Chris Mitchell, Rep. Mike Johnson
January 30, 2019

On the Wednesday, January 30, 2019 edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, we heard from:

  • Sarah Perry, FRC Action's Director of Partnerships, on how the radical abortion laws in NY and other states demonstrate that elections have consequences.
  • Chris Mitchell, CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief, on how the Middle East has been thrown into a geo-political "Tug of War" following the U.S. withdrawal from Syria.
  • Rep. Mike Johnson, U.S. Representative for Louisiana's 4th district, on the Democrats' attempt to eliminate "so help you God" from the witness oaths in a key House committee.
ID: 22448
Rep. Garret Graves, Travis Weber, Ken Klukowski, Patrina Mosley
January 29, 2019

It's Tuesday, January 29, 2019, and we're getting ready for another exciting edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, where each day we're joined by America's leaders, policy makers, and culture-shapers as we talk about the important issues of the day from a biblical worldview. Listen here live at 5:05 p.m. ET.

Today we'll hear from:

  • Rep. Garret Graves, U.S. Representative for Louisiana's 6th district, on the Democrats' attempt to eliminate the words "so help you God" from oaths in a key House committee.
  • Travis Weber, FRC's Vice President for Policy, on the good news that Asia Bibi's acquittal has been upheld by the Pakistan Supreme Court.
  • Ken Klukowski, Senior Legal Editor at Breitbart News, on how President Trump can build a wall if the Democrats don't negotiate in good faith.
  • Patrina Mosley, FRC's Director of Life, Culture and Women's Advocacy, on FRC's analysis of Planned Parenthood's most recent annual report.
ID: 22439
Rep. Ted Yoho, Patrina Mosley, John Stemberger, Dr. Ingrid Skop
January 28, 2019

It's Monday, January 28, 2019, and we’re getting ready for another exciting edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, where each day we’re joined by America’s leaders, policy makers, and culture-shapers as we talk about the important issues of the day from a biblical worldview. Listen here live at 5:05 p.m. ET.

Today we’ll hear from:

  • Rep. Ted Yoho, U.S. Representative for Florida’s 3rd District, on the Trump administration recognizing Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s interim president.
  • Patrina Mosley, FRC’s Director of Life, Culture and Women’s Advocacy, on New York’s new abortion law, which allows a baby to be aborted up until the day of birth.
  • John Stemberger, President of the Florida Family Policy Council, on the dangers of a recently introduced Sexual Orientation and Gender Identify (SOGI) bill in Florida.
  • Dr. Ingrid Skop, a pro-life OB/GYN, on FRC’s new resource, Top 10 Myths About Abortion.
ID: 22394
Eben Fowler, Mat Staver, Jon Speed, Robert Barnes
January 25, 2019

On the Friday, January 25, 2019 edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, we heard from:

  • Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, on the case against a male athletic coach in Florida who declined to follow a transgender school policy that required him to supervise a 14-year-old girl undressing in the boys’ locker room, without informing the boys’ parents.
  • Jon Speed, owner of The Book Scout bookstore in New York, on his decision to shut down his store the day after NY passed an extreme abortion bill to demonstrate his mourning.
  • Robert Barnes, attorney for Covington High School students, on his plan to sue media outlets who misreported the Covington teen controversy and have refused to issue a correction.
ID: 22387
Adam McManus, Stephen Dinan, Chris Mitchell, Bill Cunningham, Sen. Roy Blunt
January 23, 2019

On Wednesday’s edition of “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” Washington Watch producer, Adam McManus, guest hosts for Tony on the first half of the program. Stephen Dinan, a national correspondent at the Washington Times, joins our guest host to highlight tomorrow’s Senate vote that will decide whether an end is in sight for the nation’s longest government shutdown. Chris Mitchell, CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief, is on the ground in Syria and will give an overview of the situation in light of President Trump’s recent decision to withdraw U.S. troops. Seasoned radio host, Bill Cunningham, joins Adam to weigh in on the controversy over the Covington High School teens. Then, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) joins Tony to further discuss efforts to end the shutdown, including President Trump’s compromise on immigration.

ID: 22343
Lt. Gen. William Boykin, AG Ken Paxton, Travis Weber
January 22, 2019

On Tuesday’s edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is here to share the decision by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse a lower court decision that prevented Texas from removing Planned Parenthood's abortion services from its Medicaid program. FRC's Executive Vice President and founding member of the Army's Delta Force, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. Boykin, joins Tony to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court’s announcement earlier today that the Trump administration’s ban on enlisting individuals who identify as transgender will be upheld. Also, Travis Weber, FRC's Vice President of Policy, joins Tony to highlight several Supreme Court decisions, including updates on the Peace Cross case in Maryland and the case of Washington state football coach, Joe Kennedy, who lost his job after praying on the field after the game.

ID: 22319
Ken Blackwell, Rev. Dean Nelson, Dr. Everett Piper
January 21, 2019

On Monday’s edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Former Housing and Urban Development Undersecretary and US Ambassador to the UN Human Rights Commission under President George H.W. Bush, and FRC's Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance, Ken Blackwell joins Tony to discuss President Trump's proposal on border security and his pledge on Friday to veto any bill that threatens Hyde Amendment restrictions. Rev. Dean Nelson, senior fellow for African American Affairs at Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall and national outreach director at Human Coalition, is here on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to highlight the biblical principles woven through MLK's message and legacy. Also, Dr. Everett Piper, President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, is here to share what the backlash on Karen Pence for teaching in a Christian school is revealing about the Left.

ID: 22305
Sarah Perry, Sec. Alex Azar ll, Rep. Roger Marshall, Ryan Bomberger
January 18, 2019

On Friday’s edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" we’ll hear an interview between Tony and HHS Secretary Alex Azar from FRC’s 14th annual ProLifeCon this morning where they discussed the sanctity of life and what the Trump administration is doing to promote a culture that values life at every stage. Sarah Perry, Director of Partnerships at Family Research Council Action, will pick up the middle of the program to guest host for Tony. She’ll be joined by Rep. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) who will share his history as a physician and how caring for mothers and their babies from the first doctors visit to the delivery has impacted his advocacy for the pro-life movement. Co-Founder of the Radiance Foundation, Ryan Bomberger, joins Sarah to highlight the concerns of minority mothers and crisis pregnancies, and how people can get involved to help. Then, we’ll take a look back at another interview from this morning’s ProLifeCon – “Unplanned” movie producers Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman, and the lead actress Ashley Bratcher, give the details behind the scenes of the movie project.

ID: 22291
Rep. Mike Johnson, Rep. Chris Smith, Os Guinness
January 17, 2019

On this special Religious Freedom Day edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Tony is joined by three religious freedom experts. First we'll hear from Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), chairman of the Republican Study Committee, and a religious liberty attorney. Rep. Chris Smith (N.J.) is here to provide an update on the state of religious liberty internationally. Also, Os Guinness, author and social critic, joins the program to share the connection between religious freedom and our policies here in America and across the globe.

ID: 21257
MAY 20, 2022
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