By Design’s mission is to educate and encourage people to embrace God’s design for marriage and family as the fundamental building block for all of human civilization and to celebrate the union of one man and one woman as the objective institution that produces human flourishing.
Pastor Bert Harper talks about the emotional and spiritual baggage each member of a new marriage can carry into the union and how to unpack it.
Wil and Meeke Addison acknowledge that Christians have been called to be holy, and they discuss what that means in a Christian marriage.
Abe and Maria talk through the biblical concept of finding a good wife and finding favor with God.
Proverbs tells us, "He who finds a good wife finds what is good and finds favor with the Lord." Abraham Hamilton III and his wife Maria discuss this biblical truth.
Wesley Wildman interviews Greg Williams of Love and Lordship ministry about Marriage
Walker Wildmon and his wife Lexie share biblical principals for building and living a lasting, godly marriage.
Pastor Bert Harper talks about God's design for masculine, godly men and how being that kind of man is good for a godly marriage.
Wil and Meeke Addison discuss that moral purity within a marriage provides emotional security to both partners.
Abraham Hamilton III and his wife Maria finish their discussion of the biblical concept that a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife (Gen 2:24, Matt 19:5), and that God has prescribed that marriage is to be between one man and one woman.
Abraham Hamilton III and his wife Maria discuss the biblical concept that a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife and that God has prescribe that marriage is to be between one man and one woman.
Marriage is the foundation of family. Family is the foundation of society. Walker and Lexie Wildmon discuss the benefits of Godly marriage on society.
Wesley and Chelsey Wildmon welcome their friends Anne and Will Cockrell into the studio as they discuss the topic of foster parenting, and the challenges and changes fostering brings to marriage.
Walker and Lexie Wildmon discuss serving one another in marriage, and especially modelling to our children what that should look like.
Abraham Hamilton III and his wife Maria use examples and scripture to discuss the often controversial concept of submission within marriage.
Pastor Bert Harper talks about 3 conditions or "chairs" that Christians may find themselves in.
Wil and Meeke Addison discuss the impact of children upon a Christian marriage.
Walker and Lexie Wildmon discuss working through and resolving disagreements in a godly marriage.
Walker Wildmon uses the resources of Dave Ramsey and the Word to discuss the importance of Christian couples agreeing about their financial management.
Pastor Bert Harper draws from the word, his family experience and another pastor to present 5 important bible-based lessons our kids should know.
Wil and Meeke Addison talk about the joy they have experienced so far in their Christian marriage.