The Hamilton Corner

The Hamilton Corner provides pertinent insight into the legal, political, and spiritual issues of the day. Tune in for up to date Biblical Worldview commentary that plants a flag for Christ in today’s culture.

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February 21, 2018

“But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors” James 2:9 (ESV).

Watergate, the Iran-Contra affair and FISA-Gate… all scandals where the executive branch politicized government agencies to advance their agendas.

All included government resistance to releasing documents under the pretext of “national security.”

All bear the similar pattern of slandering congressional investigators and whistleblowers as disloyal and even treasonous.

Only one has the main stream media protecting the government and defending its actions instead of uncovering them.

Holding the government accountable seems to be contingent on party affiliation for the talking snake media.

ID: 13147
The reality is that we will all spend eternity in one place or the other
February 21, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: John 3:16-18 Remembering Billy Graham. The reality is that we will all spend eternity in one place or the other. Today is the day to choose life.
0:23 - 0:40: California has the highest poverty rate in the nation. Why is that? Regressive policies have consequences...that’s why!
0:43 - 0:60: As Nancy Pelosi complains about the recently passed Tax Reform bill she is asked a poignant question by a heckler, “how much are you worth Nancy?” Callers weigh in.

ID: 13172
Elevate Him
February 20, 2018

“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself” John 12:32 (ESV).

Full weaponization of the federal government to crush a political opponent, politicians and a political party that bill themselves as pro-life while refusing to actually do what’s in their power to stop the killing of little babies, the successful and unrelenting advance of Regressivism...

All of these are signs that our national condition is not merely a natural phenomenon.  It's spiritual.

Civic engagement without spiritual engagement produces political roller coasters.  National course correction will only come by national repentance.  We must elevate Him.

ID: 13129
15 Christian villages were wiped out in Nigeria. The government and media are silent.
February 20, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Luke 22:31-32. For those who think prayer is meaningless take it up with Jesus. He demonstrated that prayer was a tool he employed to thwart the schemes of the wicked one.
0:23 - 0:40: 15 Christian villages were wiped out in Nigeria. The government and media are silent. Kamala Harris cannot “tolerate a society in which BABIES are being slaughtered.” Does she even realize what she’s saying?
0:43 - 0:60: Calls for “gun control” really mask nefarious agenda. Callers weigh in.

ID: 13156
Marjority Mayhem
February 19, 2018

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Corner.

19 year old Nicholas Cruz, entered Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, after previously being expelled, killed at least 17 people and wounding others.

Predictably, the conversation will devolved into a gun control debate.  The reality is, however, that this massacre is not a Democrat or Republican issue.  It is a sin issue.

Pass all the gun control legislation you want.  Evil men will find ways to commit evil.

The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.

It's time we got serious about sin!

ID: 13116
“Republican” and “Conservative” are not synonymous terms.
February 19, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Proverbs 2:1-8 Pursue wisdom and understanding like treasures that are more valuable than riches.
0:23 - 0:40: The facts about the FBI investigation read by the same people result in 2 different conclusions. Idolatry is displayed once again.
0:43 - 0:60: CPAC rejects Mass Resistance but embraces the Log Cabin Republicans. “Republican” and “conservative” are not synonymous terms. Callers weigh in.

ID: 13137
Dance Revoked
February 16, 2018

“Claiming to be wise, they became fools” Romans 1:22 (ESV).

One of the greatest casualties of the trans-insanity movement is the recognition and celebration of women and girls as a meaningful expression of the Imago Dei.

Case in point, the PS 65 Elementary School in New York has cancelled their annual Father Daughter dance all in the name of political correctness.

Though there weren’t any complaints from parents or students at the school, state department of education bureaucrats required the event be shut down.

Elementary school girls were denied the chance to dance with their daddies all in the name of political correctness.

ID: 13074
The Parkland murderer confessed to the killing saying demons directed him to carry out the attack.
February 16, 2018

1. Romans 1:28-32. The Parkland murderer confessed to the killing saying demons directed him to carry out the attack. How many talking heads will address that?
2. Abe interviews Tim Graham from News Busters and the Media Research Center to discuss the popular media’s aversion to facts.
3. The women of The View use Mike Pence to spew their disdain for Christianity. According to a senior former U.N. Official, U.N. aid workers raped 60,000 people over two decades and employs 3,300 pedophiles.

ID: 13112
February 15, 2018

“You shall not murder” Exodus 22:13 (ESV).

A Dutch doctor who forcibly euthanized an elderly woman without her consent, “acted in good faith” according to a euthanasia oversight panel when it cleared the doctor of any wrongdoing.

The woman, over 80 years old, had dementia.  The doctor put a sedative in her coffee and then enlisted the help of family members to hold the struggling, objecting woman down so the doctor could administer the lethal injection.

The elderly woman fought, but was murdered anyway.

A culture that accepts murdering innocent babies for convenience will also accept murdering older people for convenience.

They call murder compassion.

ID: 13071
Washington state grandma thwarts a potential school massacre
February 15, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Jeremiah 17:5-10(a). The Heart is desperately wicked. If we talk policy without discussing human depravity that can only truly be addressed by the Gospel we’ve trimming around the hedges but hiding from the root.
0:23 - 0:40: Abe interviews David Harms to discuss the life changing work of India Partners.
0:43 - 0:60: Washington state grandma thwarts a potential school massacre by peaking her nose into her grandson’s journal. Callers weigh in.

ID: 13098
The Union
February 14, 2018

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” Genesis 2:24 (ESV).

God ordained the marital union to be a living, breathing illustration of Christ’s relationship with his bride.  Ephesians 5 lays it out in great detail.  A relationship, where all of the flaws, faults, warts and scars are known, yet the love commitment thrives.

You won’t see this in Romantic comedies because, frankly, Hollywood types have no idea what Biblical love is.  The marital union is a glorious institution characterized by passionate commitment and mutual humility, where spouses esteem one another more highly than themselves.  Marriage is more than a relationship, its ministry.

ID: 13046
When we continually pump the idea that life is utterly meaningless into our culture is bears catastrophic results.
February 14, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Isaiah 60:1-3 Christ following should sensitize us to the darkness around us. When we witness national tragedy how do we respond?
0:23 - 0:40: When we continually pump the idea that life is utterly meaningless into our culture is bears catastrophic results. Tragedy strikes in mass shooting at Parkland, FL high school.
0:43 - 0:60: New information may change Michael Flynn’s case. Callers weigh in.

ID: 13086
Memo Revelations
February 13, 2018

“Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known” Luke 12:2 (ESV).

The House Intelligence Committee’s FISA memo and Senator Chuck Grassley’s memo referring Christopher Steele to the FBI for criminal investigation revealed that the FBI knowingly used Steele’s trash dossier to secure search warrant to spy on American citizens.

We also know the Clinton campaign and the DNC not only paid for the dossier’s creation, the Clintons actually fed false information to Steele, via the State Department, to be included in the dossier.

The greatest threat to the American Republic is not external, it is internal implosion.

ID: 13036
The Progressive Threat to the American Republic
February 13, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: John 12:27-33 The only thing that will heal our nation is if we were saturated the Gospel. It is the ONLY way we'll ever be confronted with our sin condition
0:23 - 0:40: Ed Vitagliano discusses “The Progressive Threat to the American Republic,” a resource produced by AFA for the American people.
0:43 - 0:60: Our current political climate is evidence of a spiritual deficiency. Revival for eternity’s sake is the only answer. Callers weigh in.

ID: 13066
Unlimited Borrowing
February 12, 2018

“The borrower is the slave of the lender” Proverbs 22:7(b) (ESV).

Congress has passed a sweeping two year budget agreement that increases spending by several hundred billions dollars.

It includes $89 billion in supplemental disaster relief, $63 billion in other non-defense spending, $300 billion for the Pentagon and a suspension of the debt limit.

All this while we have $22 trillion in debt and that number doesn’t include unfunded mandates.  The real national debt number is much higher.

Fiscal responsibility no longer seems to be a priority for the Republican Party.

Conservative and Republican are not synonymous terms.

ID: 13023
Mick Mulvaney makes the audacious claim that just because the budget gives Congress a lot of money….they don’t have to spend it.
February 12, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 1 Corinthians 15:30-34 Jesus gives us an example by His lifestyle even when it comes to the company He keeps.
0:23 - 0:40: When Congress says “Bipartisan support” it should be taken as a warning that the American people are about to be short-changed again. Mick Mulvaney makes the audacious claim that just because the budget gives Congress a lot of money….they don’t have to spend it.
0:43 - 0:60: Anthony Sabato surprises the panel of The View with honest answers on immigration

ID: 13053
NIFLA v. Becerra
February 09, 2018

“…the truth will set you free” John 8:32(b) (ESV).

California has enacted the FACT Act, which forces pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to prominently display notices informing clients that California offers low-cost and even free abortions and lists the phone number to call abortion clinics.

This case is more egregious and potentially has more far reaching implications for free speech and religious liberty than the Masterpiece Cakeshop case.

Pro-life pregnancy centers are required to direct women to abortion clinics!!!

The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates has sued California in and NIFLA v. Becerra has reached the Supreme Court.

Please pray for this case.

ID: 12837
Interview with Israel Wayne about his latest book, “Education: Does God Have an Opinion.”
February 09, 2018

1. Psalm 23. What has Athens to do with Jerusalem.
2. Interview with Israel Wayne about his latest book, “Education: Does God Have an Opinion.”
3. What’s the difference between Watergate, the Iran-Contra scandal and FISA-Gate? The answer may involve talking snakes.

ID: 13021
Surprise Million
February 08, 2018

“Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today” Luke 19:5(b) (ESV).

When their mom passed the Landau brothers of NJ had a garage sale to clear out their mom’s house, but they decided to keep a few things including mom’s old creepy painting of a woman passed out in a chair and two men trying to revive her.

Fast forward to their estate auction and the brothers found themselves fielding bids from France and Germany for the painting.

Turns out it was a long lost Rembrandt that ultimately sold for $1.1 million.

A trained eye spots value where others don’t.

ID: 12970
There can be no love without truth.
February 08, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 If the gifts are not accompanied by love and character then we are left with nothing but clanging cymbals. There can be no love without truth.
0:23 - 0:40: Grassley memo revelations. George Soros is undermining the vote of the British people and European politics concerning Brexit
0:43 - 0:60: Eric Holder announced that he is considering a run for President 2020. Aren’t you excited? Callers weigh in

ID: 13017
MAY 20, 2022
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