0:00- 15:00 1 Kings 19:9-18. Just as the LORD told Elijah they were 7,000 additional prophets who hadn’t bowed their knees to Baal, not all millennials have abandoned the faith. There’s a remnant of God-fearing, Holy Spirit empowered young people that God has ordained for this time.
15:00-30:00 Joshua 24:13-15. As an elder statesman, Joshua admonished the Israelites to abandon their idols. Who’d a thought the Israelites STILL had idols at this point?
30:00-45:00 Genesis 19:1-12. After being blinded through a clear demonstration of God’s power the men of Sodom, from the oldest to the youngest, “wore themselves out groping for (Lot’s) door.” The same spiritual impetus is what drives men to force others to abandon fidelity to Christ before the idolatrous panoply of sexual “freedom”.
45:00-60:00 Psalm 139-13-16; Genesis 6:14-16. Master builders construct their creations in light of the designed function. God, The Master Builder, did just that when He constructed you.
60:00-1:15:00 Genesis 2:18-25. Family is the first institution. That’s why there’s so much warfare against it.