The Hamilton Corner

The Hamilton Corner provides pertinent insight into the legal, political, and spiritual issues of the day. Tune in for up to date Biblical Worldview commentary that plants a flag for Christ in today’s culture.

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Driving Voters?
February 07, 2018

“A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls” Proverbs 25:28 (ESV).

California Assembly Bill 60 allows any California resident to get a driver's license regardless of immigration status.

California Assembly Bill 1461 says residents who go to the DMV to renew a driver's license or state I.D. will have their information automatically sent to the Secretary of State’s Office to be added to the voter rolls.

Neither law requires automatic illegal alien voter registration but it sure presents a streamlined opportunity for it happen.

All this from a state that proudly declares itself a sanctuary state.

ID: 12968
Is Christ merely one guest among many in our hearts our has He captured our focused devotion?
February 07, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Luke 10:38-42 Mary and Martha had many things in common but one major difference. Is Christ merely one guest among many in our hearts our has He captured our focused devotion?
0:23 - 0:40: Apparently, Obama wanted to know everything Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were doing. The question is why?
0:43 - 0:60: Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau corrects women to say “Personkind” instead of “Mankind” in order that we can learn from each other.

ID: 12992
80 Count Threshold
February 06, 2018

“…but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened” Romans 1:21(b) (ESV).

In a press release, the ACLU complained “President Trump said the word ‘America’ more than 80 times” during his State of the Union Address.

Someone may want to remind them what the “A” stands for in ACLU.

More importantly, it exemplifies that robust love for America and advocacy for an America first agenda on the world stage is inherently offensive to regressive sensibilities.

The only vision some have for America is one of managed decline.

It's a sad day when the word “America” becomes censorable to Americans.

ID: 12955
It is impossible to live in open rebellion against Christ and claim to be a follower of Christ.
February 06, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Luke 19:1-10 When true repentance happens internally there is always evidence of that repentance externally
0:23 - 0:40: Breaking down Guy Benson’s claims of being a gay conservative Christian. There are no amendments to scripture!
0:43 - 0:60: It is impossible to live in open rebellion against Christ and claim to be a follower of Christ.

ID: 12980
Deceptive Flatterers
February 05, 2018

“…by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.”  Romans 16:18 (ESV)

New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has launched an investigation of a firm that has sold millions of fake social media followers.

The purchasers of these fake followers?  Celebrities and politicians.  In an effort to make themselves seem more important and influential than they really are these jokers spend money for likes.

For $10-$20 you can buy up to several hundred thousand fake followers.  This further demonstrates that the sway celebrities thought they held over the American people is waning considerably.

ID: 12922
The Nunes memo illustrates the tangled web of dark corruption
February 05, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Ephesians 2:11-19 It is not possible to love Christ without loving His Bride…..That is His church. There is a difference between lovingly pointing out error and haughty criticism
0:23 - 0:40: The Nunes memo illustrates the tangled web of dark corruption
0:43 - 0:60: Trans-insanity strikes in New York. Elementary school cancels Daddy-Daughter dance in the name of political correctness. Callers weigh in.

ID: 12966
McCabe Out
February 02, 2018

“"...and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  John 8:32 (ESV)

According to CBS News, internal communication sent to FBI officials by FBI Director Christopher Wray, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s early departure is due the results of an investigation conducted by the United States Office of the Inspector General.

A report will be soon released by the Inspector General detailing this investigation.

Pontification about McCabe simply wanting to use his sick time and vacation time for an early retirement was mistaken.  With the FISA abuse scandal and this Inspector General investigation expect to see more people go.

ID: 12908
God has given us his word, the Holy Bible, to fortify us against increasing deception.
February 02, 2018

1. 2 Timothy 3:10-17. God has given us his word, the Holy Bible, to fortify us against increasing deception.
2. Abe interviews American Family Studios Writer, Director and Producer M.D. Perkins on the newly released documentary—“The God Who Speaks.”
3. MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski tries to save face and Ji Seong-Ho provides gives a glimpse into the triumph of the hunger for freedom over the despotism of North Korea.

ID: 12935
American Dream
February 01, 2018

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.”  Psalm 136:1 (ESV)

Much to the disdain of the regressives in the room and of the globalists the world over, President Donald Trump made a prescient and lasting observation during his State of the Union address.

The President said he is committed to defending Americans and protecting our rights to pursue the American dream because Americans are dreamers too.

How refreshing it is to hear a president use the State of the Union stage to acknowledge that dreams are not reserved to people from their countries.

ID: 12902
A Dutch Dr. and family hold woman down to euthanize her against her will.
February 01, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Proverbs 17:17 Do we just worship next to each other or do we become family in all situations?
0:23 - 0:40: Could Trey Gowdy be moving towards a more influential position. Conservatives sure hope so. FISA memo edits. A Dutch Dr. and family hold woman down to euthanize her against her will.
0:43 - 0:60: Attacks we see commonly described as fights over “social issues” really are strivings to legally sanction the marring of the Imago Dei. Callers weigh in.

ID: 12927
Economic Relocation
January 31, 2018

“Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…”  1 Chronicles 12:32(a) (ESV)

It will be interesting to see what the 2020 census will look like as it will result in a reapportion of the nation’s congressional districts and electoral votes.

United Van Lines, the well known national moving company, has released new data that shows the states with the most people packing up and heading for greener pastures seem to be the ones with the highest taxes.

That trend will likely continue as high tax state residents will finally pay their full share in 2018.

ID: 12839
Rend your hearts, not your garments.
January 31, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Joel 2:12-17  Rend your hearts, not your garments.
0:23 - 0:40: Wil and Meeke Addison discuss the State of The Union address.
0:43 - 0:60:  The FBI refuses to release the information that would satisfy their “grave concerns” about the FISA memo and cite their “grave concerns” as the basis for contesting the memo’s release.  Go figure.  Callers weigh in.  

ID: 12904
Good news in found in the Tax Reform Bill in the way of “Opportunity Zones”
January 30, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Acts 17:22-27 God, in His sovereignty, has established national boundaries.
0:23 - 0:40: Democrats don’t mind people get money in their pockets as long as it comes from the Government and not from the free market. Good news in found in the Tax Reform Bill in the way of “Opportunity Zones”
0:43 - 0:60: Pelosi is in full panic mode with the release of the memo detailing the FISA abuse. Callers weigh in

ID: 12890
Daylight Work
January 29, 2018

“Let Pharaoh proceed to appoint overseers over the land and take one-fifth of the produce of the land of Egypt during the seven plentiful years.” Genesis 41:34 (ESV)

The Trump administration has ushered in an era where the Church in America is enjoying a bit a relief from being pushed to the margins by our government.

We must, however, re-double our commitment to execute the Great Commission in this hour.  Should we fail to do so, who knows what lurks just around the corner.

Instead of being entranced by the light, let us work while it is day.

ID: 12814
It’s time to revisit the simplicity of God’s word which is deep when it is applied
January 29, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Jude 1-3 It’s time to revisit the simplicity of God’s word which is deep when it is applied
0:23 - 0:40: The Pain Capable Bill fails to pass in the Senate. The Grammy's viewership is the smallest since 2009. Andrew McCabe steps down as Dept. Dir. of the FBI.
0:43 - 0:60: Democrat leadership show how out of touch they really are. $1000 is a lot of money to a lot of people.

ID: 12855
Haman's Gallows
January 26, 2018

“So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai.”  Esther 7:10b (ESV)

The latest Peter Strzok-Lisa Page text message revelations include references to early versions of FBI memoranda that state Hillary Clinton emailed President Obama, using her unsecured server, from “hostile” territory.

The Obama reference was changed to “a senior government official” and ultimately deleted entirely from the memo.

It seems, if Clinton is guilty of mishandling classified information so is Barack Obama.  Could this be an additional reason for the cover-up?

The collusion investigation meant to snare President Trump just might end up snagging someone else.

ID: 12808
The Activist Mommy: The Women’s march is an adult tantrum that employs an ideological litmus test for entry. It does not represent women.
January 26, 2018

1. Deuteronomy 8:11-17; Luxury and liberty can seduce the believer into to spiritual negligence
2. The Activist Mommy, Elizabeth Johnston: The Women’s march is an adult tantrum that employs an ideological litmus test for entry. It does not represent women.
3. NIFLA v. Becerra: the most dangerous religious liberty and freedom of speech case you never hear of.

ID: 12823
Feminist Futility
January 25, 2018

“But they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Romans 1:21b (ESV)

Arch-feminist Gloria Steinem said global warming is the product of overpopulation.  She goes further saying that child-birth is threatening the planet.

But God’s word says the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.  Plus God says children are a blessing.

So we have Gloria Steinem on one side… and God’s Word on the other.

I think prudence requires that we go with the LORD on this one.  Gloria Steinem proves rejecting God cause futility in one’s thinking.

ID: 8799
Cheryl Peeples is fighting for parents having the right to choose when it comes to vaccinating children in Mississippi.
January 25, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Ester 6:14-7:9 Haman’s hatred for Mordecai consumed him.Those seeking to destroy Trump are falling into the very traps they set for him
0:23 - 0:40: Guest: Cheryl Peeples is fighting for parents having the right to choose when it comes to vaccinating children in Mississippi.
0:43 - 0:60: Amniotic Adolph, Cecile Richards, resigns from Planned Parenthood to vaccinate or not to vaccinate: that is the question. Callers weigh in.

ID: 12817
Carson Huey-You
January 24, 2018

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)

A 14-year-old physics major is now the youngest person ever to graduate from Texas Christian University.

Carson Huey-You started at TCU when he was just 11 years old.  He majored in physics, but also minored in both Chinese, because he speaks Mandarin, and math.

He will now tackle quantum mechanics in graduate school at TCU.

There is no limit to what our children can become.  Let us re-calibrate our expectations according to God’s Word.

ID: 8778
MAY 20, 2022
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