The Hamilton Corner

The Hamilton Corner provides pertinent insight into the legal, political, and spiritual issues of the day. Tune in for up to date Biblical Worldview commentary that plants a flag for Christ in today’s culture.

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Episodes (2135)
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Running from a bully is never a good strategy. Republicans must stand now if they want to put a stop to these types of political shenanigans.
September 24, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 1 Kings 3:23-28. The issue is not Kavanaugh. This issue is Roe.

0:23 - 0:40: Just as every witness identified by Kavanaugh’s initial accuser crushed the initial story new allegations emerge. Interesting, isn’t it?

0:43 - 0:60: Running from a bully is never a good strategy. Republicans must stand now if they want to put a stop to these types of political shenanigans. Callers weigh in.

ID: 17854
September 21, 2018

0:00 - 9:14 1 Kings 3:23-28. God grants us wisdom to navigate difficult circumstances.

9:15 - 21:30 Revelation 21:5-8. When categories of sinners are mentioned, identifying the types that qualify for the lake of fire the cowardly are named alongside murderers, liars, and whoremongers. Courage is required of Christ-followers.

ID: 17837
Laura Perry shares her powerful testimony of how, in her life as a transsexual, God did the most important transformation of all
September 21, 2018

Laura Perry shares her powerful testimony of how, in her life as a transsexual, God did the most important transformation of all

ID: 17839
Meeke Addison warns on how "Transgender Evangelists" are reaching our children for the cause of transgenderism
September 20, 2018

Meeke Addison warns on how Trans-gendered Evangelists are reaching our children for the cause of transgenderism

ID: 17824
Courage is required of Christ-followers.
September 19, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Revelation 21:5-8. When categories of sinners are mentioned, identifying the types that qualify for the lake of fire the cowardly are named alongside murderers, liars, and whoremongers. Courage is required of Christ-followers.

0:23 - 0:40: Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said the Kavanaugh hearings will proceed Tuesday, September 25th, whether Dr. Ford testifies or not.

0:43 - 0:60: MSNBC’s Morning Joe surprisingly acknowledges that Democrats are moving the goalposts on the Kavanaugh vote.

ID: 17808
Allegations against judge Kavanaugh: pursuit of the truth or last-minute political maneuver?
September 18, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 1 Kings 3:23-28. God grants us wisdom to navigate difficult circumstances.

0:23 - 0:40: Allegations against judge Kavanaugh: pursuit of the truth or last-minute political maneuver?

0:43 - 0:60: Ana Marie Cox, founder of Wonkette, says Judge Kavanaugh shouldn’t be judged “by what he may or may not have done, but by how he treats a woman’s pain.” Did she just let the real cat out of the bag? Caller’s weigh in.

ID: 17795
Is social gospel a threat to The Gospel?
September 17, 2018

Social Justice and the Gospel. Darrel B. Harrison, one of the original signers of The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel discuss his involvement. Is social gospel a threat to The Gospel?

ID: 17779
God took the son of former slaves and the son of the family that formerly owned those slaves to forge new friendship and ministry.
September 14, 2018

0:00-0:20 Galatians 2:11-18. Jesus has destroyed the wall of hostility and now his bride comprises one new man, the chief identity for Christ-followers.

0:23-0:40 Will Ford, III and Matt Lockett step into “The Corner” to show how God took the son of former slaves and the son of the family that formerly owned those slaves to forge new friendship and ministry.

0:43-0:60 Conciliation horizontally between people is the by-product of vertical conciliation between God and man. Conciliation to Christ forms the foundation for us to be reconciled to one another.

ID: 17753
September 14, 2018

0:00 - 11:30 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. Jabez’ honorability preceded his promotion. When we worship through our “work” before the Audience of One our day to day lives are transformed into altars of incense before our King.
11:30 - 23:40 (Bryan Fischer) Matthew 12:22-28 How to know if you have committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
23:40 - 31:20 Daniel 3:16-27. Faith doesn’t deny reality, it thrives in light of it. Fiery furnaces set the stage for the fourth man to show up in the fire.
31:20 - 40:32 Acts 20:26-31. The Church is the Bride of Christ, which he has purchased with own blood. We’d do well to remember that.
40:33 - 47:44 Jesus has destroyed the wall of hostility and now his bride comprises one new man, the chief identity for Christ-followers.

ID: 17754
The Church is the Bride of Christ, which he has purchased with own blood. We’d do well to remember that.
September 13, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Acts 20:26-31. The Church is the Bride of Christ, which he has purchased with own blood. We’d do well to remember that.

0:23 - 0:40: Senator Dianne Feinstein says she has a letter from an anonymous source that she claims should delay the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. This tact strikes a familiar tone.

0:43 - 0:60: Susan Collins faces threats and bribery concerning her confirmation on Judge Kavanaugh. Callers weigh in

ID: 17749
Ambassador Ken Blackwell steps into “The Corner” to discuss voter fraud and election crimes.
September 12, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Daniel 3:16-27. Faith doesn’t deny reality, it thrives in light of it. Fiery furnaces set the stage for the fourth man to show up in the fire.

0:23 - 0:40: Ambassador Ken Blackwell steps into “The Corner” to discuss voter fraud and election crimes.

0:43 - 0:60: Convicted rapist and pedophile claims to be a woman and was placed in a women’s prison where he raped women inmates.

ID: 17727
How to know if you have committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
September 11, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Matthew 12:22-28 How to know if you have committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

0:23 - 0:40:Franklin Graham is right: Islam is an evil and wicked religion

0:43 - 0:60: Obama is right on whether we are a Democracy or Republic: It is on the ballot

ID: 17715
Ben Sasse makes brilliant points about stare decisis through his questioning of Brett Kavanaugh.
September 10, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. Jabez’ honorability preceded his promotion. When we worship through our “work” before the Audience of One our day to day lives are transformed into altars of incense before our King.

0:23 - 0:40: Ben Sasse makes brilliant points about stare decisis through his questioning of Brett Kavanaugh. He expressed not only his willingness to overturn bad SCOTUS precedent, but he sees it as the duty of a good Justice to do so.

0:43 - 0:60: David Hogg embarrasses himself in Canada. Callers weigh in.

ID: 17701
Dr. Richard Land steps into “The Corner” to chop it up about the connection between apologetics and a Biblical worldview.
September 07, 2018

0:00-0:20 Genesis 12:1-10(a). What do you do when there is a famine in the promised land?

0:23-0:40 Dr. Richard Land, President of Southern Evangelical Seminary, steps into “The Corner” to chop it up about the connection between apologetics and a Biblical worldview.

0:43-0:60 Geoffery Owens being job-shamed for working at Trader Joe’s is a teachable moment for America and for the Church.

ID: 17666
September 07, 2018

0:00 - 11:57 Luke 10:25-37. Just as the the good Samaritan aided the traveler from Jerusalem, there are people naked and bleeding spiritually and they are in need of the eternal balm available only through the Gospel.

11:57 - 23:34 Luke 10:25-37. Just as the the good Samaritan aided the traveler from Jerusalem, there are people naked and bleeding spiritually and they are in need of the eternal balm available only through the Gospel.

23:34 - 28:00 Walker Wilmon Matthew 28:18 Discipleship is a process.

28:02 - 40:45 1 Samuel 1:9-18 Earnestness and sincerity in prayer isn’t determined by vocal volume.

40:45- 51:38 Genesis 12:1-10(a). What do you do when there is a famine in the promised land?

ID: 17667
Cory Booker has a “Spartacus” moment with theatrical sincerity.
September 06, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 1 Samuel 1:9-18 Earnestness and sincerity in prayer isn’t determined by vocal volume.

0:23 - 0:40: NY Times discloses an op-ed by an anonymous author. Cory Booker has a “Spartacus” moment with theatrical sincerity.

0:43 - 0:60: Kamala Harris implies Cavanaugh is colluding with a Trump law firm. Callers weigh in.

ID: 17657
The circus continues at the Kavanaugh hearing.
September 05, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Matthew 28:18 Discipleship is a process. Questions about Go-Fund-Me money raised for a homeless veteran. Social Media bosses answer questions from the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing.

0:23 - 0:40: The circus continues at the Kavanaugh hearing.

0:43 - 0:60: Trump “Resister” from inside the White House writes op-ed for the NY Times. Callers weigh in

ID: 17628
The Kavanaugh hearing opening was an absolute circus.
September 04, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Luke 10:25-37. Just as the the good Samaritan aided the traveler from Jerusalem, there are people naked and bleeding spiritually and they are in need of the eternal balm available only through the Gospel.

0:23 - 0:40: The Kavanaugh hearing opening was an absolute circus. Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats put on a ridiculous display.

0:43 - 0:60: Today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing shows why President Trump’s base remains loyal to him. Callers weigh in.

ID: 17613
Were Congressman Ron DeSantis’ comments evidence of ethnocentric partiality?
August 31, 2018

0:00-0:20 Psalm 33:10-22. The King is not saved by his great army.

0:23-0:40 Were Congressman Ron DeSantis’ comments evidence of ethnocentric partiality?

0:43-0:60 The spokes-mouths in the talking snake media don’t believe DeSantis’ comments were racist. Here’s the proof.

ID: 17556
August 31, 2018

0:00 - 11:16 Colossians 2:1-10. Maintaining the view of Christ’s preeminence, combined with an abounding thanksgiving, fortifies the believer against deception.

11:17 - 21:50 Colossians 2:1-10. The ultimate objective of deception is full blown captivity. We must fortify ourselves against deception with the sword of the Spirit, the word of God.

21:55 - 34:00 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 “If anyone is not willing to work, he should not eat.” Can you imagine the Apostle Paul going on CNN with this message?

34:02 - 46:14 Exodus 18:13-24. The division of authority advised to Moses by Jethro served as the basis for the U.S. Constitution’s separation of powers features and the specific division of labor among the federal judiciary.

46:15- 57:20 Psalm 33:10-22. The King is not saved by his great army.

ID: 17557
MAY 20, 2022
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