The Hamilton Corner

The Hamilton Corner provides pertinent insight into the legal, political, and spiritual issues of the day. Tune in for up to date Biblical Worldview commentary that plants a flag for Christ in today’s culture.

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The US has more jobs available than people unemployed for the first time EVER!!!
June 06, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Hebrews 4:14-16 Jesus is THE high Priest. Therefore we can approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
0:23 - 0:40: The US has more jobs available than people unemployed for the first time EVER!!! Mainstream media quickly goes into the spin cycle. Sex in the City cleverly packaged a sinful lifestyle which leaves people broken and alone.
0:43 - 0:60: When others don’t understand the glorious workings of marriage they will attempt to inject negative counsel into your life. Callers weigh in.

ID: 14453
If we find ourselves in a long-term rut it could be the product of transgression… Good thing, repentance is still available.
June 05, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Proverbs 13:11-15. The way of the transgressor is hard, and enduring rut. If we find ourselves in a long-term rut it could be the product of transgression… Good thing, repentance is still available.
0:23 - 0:40: There is absolutely NO CORRELATION between skin color and sexual preference!
0:43 - 0:60: Bill Clinton does the shuffle when asked about apologizing to Monica Lewinsky. Callers weigh in.

ID: 14439
Breaking down the SCOTUS decision today on the Jack Phillips case. The good news and the bad. This is a good day for Religious Freedom… but not great.
June 04, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 2 Kings 7:1-11 Just because darkness mounts all around us doesn’t mean we invite it inside
0:23 - 0:40: Breaking down the SCOTUS decision today on the Jack Phillips case. The good news and the bad. This is a good day for Religious Freedom… but not great.
0:43 - 0:60: Justice Kennedy’s opinion favors Jack Phillips but is the religious liberty issue resolved? Callers weigh in

ID: 14429
Every believer is called to submit their gifts, talents and abilities to cause of the Great Commission.
June 01, 2018

0:00 – 0:20 : Matthew 28:16-20. Ministry is not limited to pulpit scripture exposition. Every believer is called to submit their gifts, talents and abilities to cause of the Great Commission.

0:23 – 0:40: Kendra White, American Family Studios Producer, Writer and Creator, steps into “The Corner” to discuss the episodes of Ryan Defrates. Art done by Christians is done in excellence and with intentionality.

0:43 – 0:60: Stanford student describes BLM as “white liberalism in black face.” Ouch!

ID: 14396
The key to liberty is submission to Jesus Christ the LORD
May 31, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 2 Corinthians 3:12-18. The key to liberty is submission to Jesus Christ the LORD. If we really want to fight for our nation’s freedom we should fight remain “under God.”
0:23 - 0:40: AFA Voter Guide https://ivoterguide.com/?partner=afaaction. Samantha Bee’s vulgar comments we scripted and intentional.
0:43 - 0:60: The CEO of Starbucks dodges when questioned about racism connected with Planned Parenthood donations. Callers weigh in.

ID: 14385
Since publicly decrying ape-man comparisons, let’s decry it everywhere especially in macro-evolutionary theory.
May 30, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Luke 15:11-24. Christianity alone offers salvation as a free gift and not a product of your works. The Father's love for the prodigal is unwavering.
0:23 - 0:40: I warned conservatives about embracing Roseanne Barr. Since publicly decrying ape-man comparisons, let’s decry it everywhere especially in macro-evolutionary theory. The Hamilton Corner hypocrisy bell is ringing as the double standard is on full display.
0:43 - 0:60: Jimmy Kimmel mocks Karl Malone in blackface but still makes millions on ABC. Callers weigh in.

ID: 14371
Scientists discover that DNA bar-codes reveal that all life came into existence at the same time.
May 29, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Genesis 18:16-19. Abraham’s commitment to discipling his offspring is one of the reasons God invited him to more revelation.
0:23 - 0:40: Scientists discover that DNA bar-codes reveal that all life came into existence at the same time. The Obamas sign a $50 million contract with Netflix, but don’t worry their programming won’t be politically biased… riiight!!!
0:43 - 0:60: Ireland votes to approve abortion. Callers weigh in.

ID: 14346
Matt Barber debunks the claim that Hitler was a Christian
May 25, 2018

Matt Barber debunks the claim that Hitler was a Christian

ID: 14316
Matt Barber explains the differences between moderate and radical Islam
May 24, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Radical versus Moderate Islam
0:23 - 0:40: The Truth is foolishness to those who are perishing
0:43 - 0:60: Callers weigh in

ID: 14314
Matt Barber discusses Islam
May 23, 2018

Matt Barber discusses Islam
0:00 - 0:20: Hamas puts on a show for the media at the Gaza border
0:23 - 0:40: The nature of Jihadi groups
0:43 - 0:60: Callers weigh in on Islam

ID: 14291
Matt Barber talks about the Scouts and comments made by the Pope
May 22, 2018

Matt Barber talks about the Scouts and comments made by the Pope

ID: 14281
Meeke Addison speaks with Jeanne Mancini about exciting news concerning Pro-Life moves by Donald Trump
May 21, 2018

Meeke Addison speaks with Jeanne Mancini about exciting news concerning Pro-Life moves by Donald Trump

ID: 14270
Wil Addison steps into the corner to discuss the Stockholm Syndrome’s analogy to American politics.
May 18, 2018

0:00 – 0:20 Proverbs 29:11. The fool tells utters all his mind. President Trump forces Title X fund recipients to choose between in utero baby murder and women’s health to get funding.

0:23 – 0:40 Wil Addison, Director of Urban Family Talk, steps into the corner to discuss the Stockholm Syndrome’s analogy to American politics. Is there a group of people who’ve developed affinity for their political captors?

0:43 – 0:60 Christ is still the game changer. Salvation destroys group think.

ID: 14238
Patrice Bright explains the role Netflix played in her daughter’s suicide after watching “13 Reasons Why.”
May 17, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Luke 2:25-38 The greatest expression of compassion we can show towards others is the compassion for one’s eternal destination.
0:23 - 0:40: Patrice Bright explains the role Netflix played in her daughter’s suicide after watching “13 Reasons Why.”
0:43 - 0:60: Birth mothers are under fire from LGBT activists for wanting a choice in the family with whom they place their children for adoption. So much for tolerance.

ID: 14235
We need a return to biblical basics
May 16, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Acts 2:42-47 We need a return to biblical basics
0:23 - 0:40: Was there a spy placed in the Trump campaign? Dick’s Sporting Goods runs into a wall with their anti 2nd Amendment position.
0:43 - 0:60: Women who started working at Chick-Fil-A when she was 15 years old has now become one of the youngest franchise owners in restaurant history at 26 years. Her diligence paid off. Callers weigh in.

ID: 14220
Rob Chambers steps into “The Corner” to discuss midterm elections
May 15, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Amos 7:1-9. The LORD’s plumb line, His standards, don’t change. We are to conform to His standards and not the other way around.
0:23 - 0:40: Rob Chambers steps into “The Corner” to discuss midterm elections and the blue wave… or is it really a blue ripple?
0:43 - 0:60: Kim Jung-Un cancels meeting with South Koreans and threatens to cancel Trump-summit in June. Callers weigh in.

ID: 14209
Israel’s 70th Anniversary and the relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
May 14, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Hebrews 12:1-6. Correction is evidence of God’s love for us. The only way to remain stagnant and unchanged is by developing the consistent habit of rejection Holy Spirit’s ministry.
0:23 - 0:40: Frank Gaffney steps into “The Corner” to discuss Israel’s 70th Anniversary, relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and the Trump-Un Summit. Has the DPRK changed or is this another attempt to fleece the U.S.?
0:43 - 0:60: Iowa passes the heartbeat abortion ban. Callers weigh in.

ID: 14187
Connecticut becomes the 11 state to pledge electoral votes to the national popular vote winner
May 11, 2018

0:00-0:20 James 4:1-7. No one can make you angry… if you don’t let them. Angry tendencies reveal growth areas and opportunities for us in sanctification.

0:23-0:40 Dan Gainor steps into “The Corner” to discuss Facebook’s new “community guidelines.” What type of content do you think will be deemed “hate speech?”

0:43-0:60 Connecticut becomes the 11 state to pledge electoral votes to the national popular vote winner. Is that a good idea?

ID: 14217
Andy Stanley states that “Church Unity Is More Important Than 'Being Theologically Correct.” That is foolishness!
May 10, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 1 Peter 2:9-12. If any man is in Christ he is a new creation. Don’t downgrade your spiritual peculiarity to the acceptance of man
0:23 - 0:40: Israel responds to Iran attack from Syria. Andy Stanley states that “Church Unity Is More Important Than 'Being Theologically Correct.” That is foolishness!
0:43 - 0:60: The date is set for the Kim Jong-Un and President Trump meeting. The US is experiencing record low unemployment. Callers weigh in.

ID: 14156
Eternal worship is due to eternal revelation of the Holiness of God
May 09, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Revelation 4:8-11. Eternal worship is due to eternal revelation of the Holiness of God
0:23 - 0:40: Rick Green explains the workings of The Patriot Academy. While Mike Pompeo is on the plane returning with 3 US hostages from North Korea the New Times tries to slam him for “absence”... and then they crawfish.
0:43 - 0:60: UberAir, the next phase in transportation? Callers weigh in.

ID: 14142
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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