The Hamilton Corner

The Hamilton Corner provides pertinent insight into the legal, political, and spiritual issues of the day. Tune in for up to date Biblical Worldview commentary that plants a flag for Christ in today’s culture.

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Episodes (2074)
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Could the current popularity of socialism in America be related to our drift away from the LORD?
August 29, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 “If anyone is not willing to work, he should not eat.” Can you imagine the Apostle Paul going on CNN with this message?

0:23 - 0:40: Dinesh D’Souza steps into “The Corner” to discuss his latest book, “Death of a Nation.”

0:43 - 0:60: John Adams warned the American Constitution was created only for a “moral and religious people.” Could the current popularity of socialism in America be related to our drift away from the LORD?

ID: 17530
Alleged sexual cover-ups go all the way to the Pope.
August 28, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Colossians 2:1-10. The ultimate objective of deception is full blown captivity. We must fortify ourselves against deception with the sword of the Spirit, the word of God.

0:23 - 0:40: A few weeks after the grand jury report revealed thousands of children were abused by Catholic priests in Pennsylvania, new reports alleged sexual cover-ups go all the way to the Pope.

0:43 - 0:60: A recent court ruling makes it easier for child porn peddlers. Callers weigh in.

ID: 16529
57% of men with the darker paint job have made it to the middle or higher class of income earners in America.
August 27, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Colossians 2:1-10. Maintaining the view of Christ’s preeminence, combined with an abounding thanksgiving, fortifies the believer against deception.

0:23 - 0:40: The American Enterprise Institute released a study that shows 57% of men with the darker paint job have made it to the middle or higher class of income earners in America.

0:43 - 0:60: Trump cuts aid to Palestinians and redraws trade agreement with Mexico. Callers weigh in.

ID: 16514
Asya Branch, newly crowned Miss Mississippi, steps into “The Corner” to share her story of how her incarcerated father remains her hero.
August 24, 2018

0:00-0:14 Psalm 103:1-7. Bless the LORD O my soul: God is the object and focus of worship in song. When musical worship is tailored to us it tends to become entertainment.

0:14-0:31 Asya Branch, newly crowned Miss Mississippi, steps into “The Corner” to share her story of how her incarcerated father remains her hero.

0:31-0:48 A regressive writer comfortably insults pro-life warrior Obianuju Ekeocha by calling her a “joke of a black person.” It backfires terribly.

ID: 16481
August 24, 2018

0:00 - 11:24 2 Timothy 4:1-7. False teachers gain prominence because people with itching ear prop them up.

11:25 - 21:12 Deuteronomy 6:4-7. The totality of The Great Commission requires followers of The Way to proclaim the Gospel AND to make disciples. How do go accomplish the disciple-making part?

21:14 - 32:35 2 Timothy 1:15-2:4. Don’t let temporal matters to turn your focus away from our eternity-driven marching orders.

32:36 - 45:50 Jeremiah 6:10-15. We've lost our ability to blush. The goal is to normalize what was formally cringe-inducing.

45:50- 57:20 Psalm 103:1-7. Bless the LORD O my soul: God is the object and focus of worship in song. When musical worship is tailored to us it tends to become entertainment.

ID: 16482
We've lost our ability to blush.
August 23, 2018

0:00-0:20 Jeremiah 6:10-15. We've lost our ability to blush. The goal is to normalize what was formally cringe-inducing.

0:23-0:40 Louisiana Family Forum (LFF) President Gene Mills steps into "The Corner" to discuss the "Drag Queen Story Hour" event planned for the Lafayette, LA public library.

0:43-0:60 LFF President Gene Mills explains how to speak the truth in love to a family member who professes same-sex attraction or transgender ideation. The Healthline website bills itself as a "scientific medical resource" while abandoning medically correct terminology for the male and female anatomy.

ID: 16471
What does Michael Cohen’s guilty plea mean legally? What are the criminal and political implications?
August 22, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 2 Timothy 1:15-2:4. Don’t let temporal matters to turn your focus away from our eternity-driven marching orders.

0:23 - 0:40: What does Michael Cohen’s guilty plea mean legally? What are the criminal and political implications?

0:43 - 0:60: Lanny Davis goes on Megyn Kelly’s show to beg for money for Michael Cohen’s “ability” to tell the truth. Callers weigh in.

ID: 16462
The totality of The Great Commission requires followers of The Way to proclaim the Gospel AND to make disciples.
August 21, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Deuteronomy 6:4-7. The totality of The Great Commission requires followers of The Way to proclaim the Gospel AND to make disciples. How do go accomplish the disciple-making part?

0:23 - 0:40: Michael Cohen pleads guilty to federal criminal charges. Paul Manafort is found guilty of 8 of the 10 charges levied against him. Susan Collins says Judge Brett Kavanaugh told her in their private meeting that Roe v. Wade was “settled law.”

0:43 - 0:60: Even a broken clock is right twice per day. Bill Maher actually gets it right on free speech. Callers weigh in.

ID: 15452
False teachers gain prominence because people with itching ear prop them up.
August 20, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 2 Timothy 4:1-7. False teachers gain prominence because people with itching ear prop them up.

0:23 - 0:40: Asia Argento, one of the earliest and loudest voices in the #metoo movement, paid $380,000 to settle a lawsuit against her for sexually abusing a teenage boy.

0:43 - 0:60: Al Sharpton has trouble spelling “respect.” Callers weigh in.

ID: 15434
The National Institute of Health has spent $1.1 million creating apps for men who identify themselves as women and to teach 14-17 year old black teens how to have gay sex.
August 17, 2018

0:00 – 0:20 Psalm 139-13-16; Genesis 6:14-16. Master builders construct their creations in light of the designed function. God, The Master Builder, did just that when He constructed you.

0:23 – 0:40 Rashida Tlaib, soon to be Congresswoman from Detroit, isn’t that interested in border security. The Pope’s opinion on capital punishment isn’t the product of Biblical Exegesis.

0:43 – 0:60 The National Institute of Health has spent $1.1 million creating apps for men who identify themselves as women and to teach 14-17 year old black teens how to have gay sex. It also includes a GPS function that helps these teenagers locate partners for sexual activity… all this on the taxpayers’ dime.

ID: 15401
Weekly collection of Scripture lessons
August 17, 2018

0:00- 15:00 1 Kings 19:9-18. Just as the LORD told Elijah they were 7,000 additional prophets who hadn’t bowed their knees to Baal, not all millennials have abandoned the faith. There’s a remnant of God-fearing, Holy Spirit empowered young people that God has ordained for this time.

15:00-30:00 Joshua 24:13-15. As an elder statesman, Joshua admonished the Israelites to abandon their idols. Who’d a thought the Israelites STILL had idols at this point?

30:00-45:00 Genesis 19:1-12. After being blinded through a clear demonstration of God’s power the men of Sodom, from the oldest to the youngest, “wore themselves out groping for (Lot’s) door.” The same spiritual impetus is what drives men to force others to abandon fidelity to Christ before the idolatrous panoply of sexual “freedom”.

45:00-60:00 Psalm 139-13-16; Genesis 6:14-16. Master builders construct their creations in light of the designed function. God, The Master Builder, did just that when He constructed you.

60:00-1:15:00 Genesis 2:18-25. Family is the first institution. That’s why there’s so much warfare against it.

ID: 15402
Stephen and Kesha Lewis step into “The Corner” to share what it means to be “Peculiar People.”
August 16, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Genesis 2:18-25. Family is the first institution. That’s why there’s so much warfare against it.

0:23 - 0:40: Eric Horner steps into “The Corner” to discuss “Operation Tank Full of Love.”

0:43 - 0:60: Stephen and Kesha Lewis step into “The Corner” to share what it means to be “Peculiar People.” Check out their “I Am Peculiar People” channel on YouTube.

ID: 15399
After being blinded through a clear demonstration of God’s power the men of Sodom, from the oldest to the youngest, “wore themselves out groping for (Lot’s) door.”
August 15, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Genesis 19:1-12. After being blinded through a clear demonstration of God’s power the men of Sodom, from the oldest to the youngest, “wore themselves out groping for (Lot’s) door.” The same spiritual impetus is what drives men to force others to abandon fidelity to Christ before the idolatrous panoply of sexual “freedom.”.

0:23 - 0:40: Just when you thought Jack Phillips was safe, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission has found “probable cause” to submit Jack once more to a discrimination investigation. Will the Commission play nice this time?

0:43 - 0:60: A terror training camp where children were taught to commit school shootings was busted up in New Mexico, but the presiding Judge let 4 of the 5 adult arrestees out of jail with an ROR bond. Callers weigh in.

ID: 15383
Chelsea Clinton argues that in-utero baby murder has great economic benefit.
August 14, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Joshua 24:13-15. As an elder statesman, Joshua admonished the Israelites to abandon their idols. Who’d a thought the Israelites STILL had idols at this point?

0:23 - 0:40: Millions of Argentinians celebrate their victory for life. Chelsea Clinton argues that in-utero baby murder has great economic benefit... it boosts the American economy.

0:43 - 0:60: How far should we take Chelsea Clinton’s logic? Callers weigh in.

ID: 15365
There’s a remnant of God-fearing, Holy Spirit empowered young people that God has ordained for this time.
August 13, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: 1 Kings 19:9-18. Just as the LORD told Elijah they were 7,000 additional prophets who hadn’t bowed their knees to Baal, not all millennials have abandoned the faith. There’s a remnant of God-fearing, Holy Spirit empowered young people that God has ordained for this time.

0:23 - 0:40: Omarosa’s profit motive is obvious. The NFL is baiting further damage to its brand by adding male dancers to their team’s sidelines

0:43 - 0:60: Urban Family Communications’ Marriage, Family, and Life Conference is this week, August 17-18, 2018. Be there. Callers weigh in.

ID: 15349
Former Surgeon General addresses loneliness in our social media world
August 10, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Psalm 119. Former Surgeon General addresses loneliness in our social media world

0:23 - 0:40: Walker speaks common sense on the immigration issue; Jim Jordan accuser walks back his story

0:43 - 0:60: Air Force Sgt John Chapman posthumously receives Medal Of Honor for the heroics that cost him his life.

ID: 15310
An Army Chaplain is facing a court martial after finding a replacement for a marriage retreat that included a lesbian couple.
August 09, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Mark 5 Our testimonies make a difference to those around us. Failures concerning the New Mexico compound. Jeff Sessions calls out the SPLC for labeling groups as hate groups falsely

0:23 - 0:40: The Russian investigation is the very definition of “Fruit of the poisonous tree”. An Army Chaplain is facing a court martial after finding a replacement for a marriage retreat that included a lesbian couple.

0:43 - 0:60: Callers weigh in

ID: 15307
Tech giants collude to ban Alex Jones from their platforms. Was it a trial run for further action?
August 08, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Psalm 150; Tech giants collude to ban Alex Jones from their platforms. Was it a trial run for further action?

0:23 - 0:40: Did the military decide to contract Amazon to store it’s information on the cloud? 11 starving children were held in a compound in New Mexico by Muslim captors. They were being trained to commit school shootings

0:43 - 0:60: Government spending habits; Pastor Mark Harris receives criticism for preaching about submission in marriage; Callers weigh in

ID: 15294
We must call Bible things by Bible names. Racism is an iteration of the sin of partiality.
August 07, 2018

0:00 - 0:20: Colossians 3:1-11. God’s word gives us clear marching orders to address the foolishness of our day. Jesus Christ is the great equalizer and the game changer.

0:23 - 0:40: Efforts to redefine racism socially is nothing more the cultural Marxism. The goal is to move the conversation away from scripture, divide society, and to silence the Church. We must call Bible things by Bible names. Racism is an iteration of the sin of partiality.

0:43 - 0:60: Coordinated tech censorship is here folks. Callers weigh in.

ID: 15279
2.8 million fewer Americans are collecting food stamp assistance from the federal government.
August 06, 2018

0:00 - 0:20:  Acts 12:1-17. Have we so attached ourselves to the way we want God to answer our prayers that we can’t recognize God’s answer even when it knocks on our doors?

0:23 - 0:40:  Tim Todd of Revival Fires Ministries steps into “The Corner” to discuss the Truth for Youth Bible campaign to get God’s word into the hands of America’s students.

0:43 - 0:60: 2.8 million fewer Americans are collecting food stamp assistance from the federal government.  Canadian David changes his sex to save on car insurance. CrossFit announces it will allow men, who identify as women, to compete as women in 2019.

ID: 15263
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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