The Stand Radio

The Stand Radio is a weekly program highlighting the current topics covered each month in The Stand – the official online and print publications of the American Family Association. Through interviews with authors, writers, and newsmakers, host Jeff Chamblee helps listeners apply a biblical worldview to the latest developments in culture, faith and family.

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Episodes (53)
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The Gospel and Good Works and a Molecular Scientist Explains How Gender is Revealed at the Cellular Level
September 07, 2024

In this episode we'll visit with AFA Vice President Ed Vitagliano about his role as an instructor in the new AFA Activate curriculum and how the authority of scripture is central to its mission. Then, molecular geneticist Dr. Georgia Purdom of Answers in Genesis, explains the wonders of God’s creation in our bodies and how every cell reveals our identity as male or female.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Introduction

01:00-13:43 Ed Vitagliano

13:55-27:17 Dr. Georgia Purdom

27:10-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlight

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Article by Dr. Purdom, Men and Women’s Different Biology Supports Their Different Roles

ID: 83415
David Bahnsen Gives a Biblical View of Labor and Retirement and the AFA Activate Curriculum
August 31, 2024

In this Labor Day episode, we'll be joined by one America's premier financial advisors, David Bahnsen. As author of the book, Full Time: Work and the Meaning of Life, he shows how being made in the image of God should cause us to rethink our ideas about labor and retirement. Also, Kendra White tells us about the AFA Activate worldview curriculum designed to help Christians effectively engage the culture.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Introduction

01:00-08:35 Kendra White

08:41-27:21 David Bahnsen

27:10-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlight




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ID: 83321
Parental Rights at Risk in School Based Health Centers and Tolerance vs. Truth
August 24, 2024

In this episode Dr. Jameson Taylor explains how Medicaid funded school-based health centers are undermining parental rights and offers practical ways parents can respond. Then, Dr. Alex McFarland exposes the deception behind the push for tolerance and challenges believers to be compassionate truth-tellers.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Introduction

01:00-15:37 Dr. Jameson Taylor

15:50-27:21 Dr. Alex McFarland

27:10-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlight

Article - Parent's Consent Not Required, by Dr. Jameson Taylor

Article - The Tolerance Lie, by Dr. Alex McFarland

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ID: 83216
Connecting College Kids to a Local Church, and A Strategy for Life Stewardship
August 17, 2024

In this episode, Augustine Mendoza, Director of Spiritual Life at Oral Roberts University, tells us how to keep our college bound kids connected to the local church. Then, Regan Rose, founder of Redeeming Productivity and author of the book, Well Done: A Strategy for Life Stewardship, shows us how to glorify Christ through a action-oriented approach to our daily lives.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Introduction

01:00-13:19 Augustine Mendoza

13:35-27:09 Reagan Rose

27:10-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlight


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ID: 83092
A Strategy to Beat Judicial Activism and How Messianic Jews are Blessing Israel
August 10, 2024

In this episode, Phillip Jauregui with American Family Association's Center for Judicial Renewal, shows us an effective strategy we can us to counter judicial activism in the courts. Then, Kobi Ferguson with Maoz Israel shares how messianic Jews are changing modern Israeli's minds about what it means to follow Jesus.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Introduction

01:00-12:51 Phillip Jauregui with the Center for Judicial Renewal

12:54-27:04 Kobi Ferguson with Maoz Israel

27:05-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlight



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ID: 82974
The Bible in Public Schools and Teachers Don't Lie
August 03, 2024

In this episode, we'll learn how the Bible is being used as an curriculum in public schools. Elizabeth Ridenour of the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools is our guest. Then, we'll hear the fascinating story of Jessica Tapia, a Christian teacher in California who was fired after refusing to lie to parents. Jessica's attorney, Elizabeth Onishenko of Advocates for Faith and Freedom, also joins us to describe Jessica's court victory and the resources other teachers can use to defend their religious freedoms on the job.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Introduction

01:00-10:10 Elizabeth Ridenour of NCBCPS

10:22-26:58 Jessica Tapia and Bethany Onishenko with Advocates for Faith and Freedom

27:00-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlight



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ID: 82907
Evaluating Down Ballot Candidates, Mississippi Legislature Honors Rev. Donald Wildmon, and the United Methodist Church as a 'Dead Sect'
July 27, 2024

In this episode, Debbie Wuthnow, Vice President of AFA Action, explains how iVoterGuide can help voters make better decisions in the weeks ahead. Also, state representative Donnie Bell tells how the Mississippi legislature has honored the late Donald E. Wildmon. Then, Dr. Ray Rooney and Matthew White give us a pastor's view of the decline of the United Methodist Church and stress the importance of biblical authority.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Introduction

01:00-12:16 Debbie Wuthnow of iVoterGuide

12:25-14:25 Rep. Donnie Bell of MS

14:44-27:08 Dr. Ray Rooney and Matthew White

27:09-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlight


Mississippi legislature's resolution honoring Donald Wildmon - text

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ID: 82776
The Music and Worldview of Taylor Swift, then Reflections on Apollo 11 and Bible in Scientific Discovery
July 20, 2024

In this episode, we'll talk with Dr. Jessica Peck about the influence of Taylor Swift and find out how parents can have meaningful conversations about her music with their kids. Also, Dr. Jonathan Sarfati of Creation Ministries International reflects on the 55th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing and offers insights on science and the Bible.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Introduction

01:00-12:02 Dr. Jessica Peck

12:12-27:14 Dr. Jonathan Sarfati

27:15-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlight

Dr. Jessica Peck's book, Behind Closed Doors: A Guide to Help Parents and Teens Navigate Through Life's Toughest Issues

Dr. Jonathan Safarti's book, Refuting Evolution

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ID: 82689
Tractor Supply Company No Longer Woke, Big Tech Enablers of Child Exploitation, and Ten Commandments in Public Schools
July 13, 2024

In this episode, AFN's Steve Jordahl explains how public pressure led Tractor Supply Company to drop its woke policies. Then, Tim Nester of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation reviews its 2024 Dirty Dozen List of companies that enable child sexual exploitation. Also, Dr. Jerry Newcombe of Providence Forum shows how Louisiana's new 10 Commandments law fits into America's legal heritage.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Introduction

01:00-05:02 Tractor Supply Company

05:11-15:49 National Center on Sexual Exploitation

16:01-27:12 10 Commandments

27:13-28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlight

Dr. Jerry Newcombe's article -


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ID: 82608
What it Will Take to be Salt and Light in the Years to Come with Senior Vice President, Buddy Smith
July 06, 2024

In this episode, we'll go in depth into what it will take to be salt and light in today's culture with retiring AFA Senior Vice President, Buddy Smith.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Introduction

01:00-27:14 Buddy Smith

27:15 -28:00 Program Close and Next Week's Highlight

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ID: 82526
In God We Trust Car Tags, The Military Draft for Our Daughters, and A Muslim Woman's Encounter with Jesus
June 29, 2024

In this episode, Mississippi Rep. Randy Boyd describes the process of getting the national motto on car tags. Then, AFN Associate Editor Parrish Alford explains why some in Congress want women to be drafted into the military. We'll also hear the amazing story of a Muslim woman who came to Christ through a dream and a Bible in Arabic.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-6:19 Miss. Rep. Randy Boyd

6:26-17:50 Parrish Alford

27:08 -28:00 A Muslim Woman Receives Christ

Rep. Randy Boyd

P. O. Box 157

Mantachie, MS  38855


Article, Daughters in the Draft?, by Parrish Alford

Global Outreach

Missionary Page for Rita Dominique 

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ID: 82435
The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in the UK with Justin Brierley, and the Truth About Zionism with Dr. A. J. Nolte
June 22, 2024

In this episode, British broadcaster Justin Brierley is our guest to explain why he believes the new atheism is a thing of the past, and a new found belief in God is re-emerging in the United Kingdom. Then, Dr. A. J. Nolte, Director of the Institute for Israel Studies at Regent University exposes the financial roots of antisemitism on college campuses and explains the true nature of Zionism in the modern State of Israel.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-15:03 Justin Brierley and the Rebirth of Belief in the U.K.

15:19-27:24 Dr. A. J. Nolte and the Modern State of Israel

27:08 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Book - The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God, by Justin Brierley

Documentation on Arab funding of American Universities:

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ID: 82334
Scripture Memory and Intimacy with God, A Great Tool to Be Salt and Light in the Culture, and Children and Money Management
June 15, 2024

In this episode, Rebecca Davis with The Stand magazine stops by to give us some creative ways to be salt and light in the world around us. Then, Pastor Andy Davis explains how scripture memory heightens our capacity for spiritual intimacy with God. And Rob West, host of Faith and Finance, lays out steps for teaching children the principles of good financial stewardship. (Originally aired April 13 and 14, 2024)

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:36 Rebecca Davis with The Stand magazine

08:46-17:53 Pastor Andy Davis on Scripture Memory

17:59-27:02 Rob West on Children and Financial Stewardship

27:03 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

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Buy the Book - How to Memorize Scripture for Life


Faith and Finance with Rob West

Buy the Book - Trusted: Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime of God-honoring Money Management

ID: 82133
Sen. Tommy Tuberville and Women's Sports, Federal Court Convicts Pro-Life Activists
June 08, 2024

In this episode U.S. Senator and former coach Tommy Tuberville reflects on his battle with the Pentagon over its pro-abortion policies and talks about the future of women's sports under Title IX. Then Coleman Boyd tells why he and five other pro-life activists were convicted of breaking federals law under a new legal tactic from the Biden DOJ. Attorney Steve Crampton with the Thomas More Society gives us the legal implications for the future.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-14:54 Sen. Tommy Tuberville and Fighting for Life

15:08-27:07 Coleman Boyd and Steve Crampton on Federal Convictions

27:08 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Attorney Steve Crampton encourages writing a letter to Judge Aleta Trauger, asking for leniency for Coleman Boyd and the other pro-life activists before July 2, 2024. Address letters to:

The Honorable Aleta Trauger

Fred D. Thompson U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building

719 Church Street

Nashville, TN 37203

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ID: 82196
A Christian Response to Pride Month, 10 Commandments Challenge, and The Power of Fasting
June 01, 2024

In this episode, Joseph Parker explains the month-long Ten Commandments Challenge. Then, Dr. Matt Ayars gives guidance on how Christians should respond to Pride Month. And, Greg Von Tobel, author and Founder of Prisoners for Christ, shares his story on the spiritual power and benefits of fasting.

00:00-00:56 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00 - 07:08 Ten Commandments Challenge with Joseph Parker

07:17 - 17:13 A Christian Response to Pride Month with Dr. Matt Ayars

17:23 - 27:15 The Power and Purpose of Fasting with Greg Von Tobel

26:58 - 28:00 program close and next week's highlights

Article - A Christian Response to Pride Month by Dr. Matt Ayars

Book - Staving off Disaster: A Guide for Christians in Times of Crisis

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ID: 82071
A Memorial Day Tribute with Tom Sileo and America's Christian Heritage with Stephen McDowell
May 25, 2024

In this episode, author Tom Sileo shares his experience interviewing Gold Star families and offers ways we can honor the sacrifices of our fallen military heroes. Then, Stephen McDowell of Providence Foundation reveals the roots of America's Christian heritage and explains why committed churches and parents are crucial for the years ahead.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-15:49 Gold Star families with Tom Sileo

16:02-27:23 America's Christian heritage with Stephen McDowell

27:03 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

I Have Your Back, and other books by Tom Sileo

Article - The Protector by Tom Sileo


Stephen McDowell, George Washington, Man of Providence - DVD

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ID: 81951
AFA Sues FCC Over Data Collection Mandate, Men of Honor, and the Lies American's Believe
May 18, 2024

In this episode, Abraham Hamilton III explains the latest attempt by the FCC to collect data to advance LGBTQ ideology in the workplace. Then, AFA Vice-President Wesley Wildmon tells how the Men of Honor program is helping disciple young men. Also, Pastor John Amanchukwu exposes the lies Americans believe and tells how to introduce truth into our daily interactions.

00:00-00:59 Program Open and Guest Lineup

01:00-08:42 Abraham Hamilton III and the FCC

08:52-17:19 Wesley Wildmon and Men of Honor

17:34-27:06 Pastor John Amanchukwu

27:03 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Men of Honor Curriculum Download

Book - Hoodwinked: 10 Lies Americans Believe and the Truth that Will Set Them Free

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ID: 81860
The Inefficient Ministry of Motherhood, and Safe Haven Baby Boxes
May 11, 2024

In this episode, Amanda Criss joins us to talk about her article, The Inefficient Ministry of Motherhood, and the opportunity to imitate Christ in the daily routine of being a mother. Also, Monica Kelsey, founder of Safe Haven Baby Boxes explains the epidemic of infant abandonment across the U.S., and how communities can help solve the problem.

00:00-00:56 program open and guest lineup

01:00 - 15:46 Amanda Criss

15:57 - 27:07 Monica Kelsey

26:58 - 28:00 program close and next week's highlights

Safe Haven Baby Boxes

DVD - The Monica Kelsey Story - https://www.afa.net/ts2405

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ID: 81821
Preventing Pastoral Burnout and the Transformation of Homeless and Abused Women and Children
May 04, 2024

In this episode, we'll explore ministerial burnout with Pastor Bill Bradford of Lawndale Presbyterian Church, and find ways to encourage spiritual leaders. Then, we'll go inside the Dream Center of Jackson, TN to hear how homeless and abused women and children are being transformed by the power of Christ.

00:00-00:56 program open and guest lineup

01:00 - 11:28 ministerial burnout

11:35 - 26:57 The Dream Center of Jackson

26:58 - 28:00 program close and next week's highlights


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ID: 81689
Understanding Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Deception, and The Unexpected Joys of Adoption
April 27, 2024

In this episode, Craig Huey explains the benefits and dangers of Artificial Intelligence and how Christians can become agents of trust in an age of deception. Then AFA staff members Bo and Heather Heafner share their unexpected journey into adoption.

00:00-00:56 Program Open and Guest Lineup

00:57-13:39 Artificial Intelligence with Craig Huey

13:48-27:20 Bo and Heather Heafner

27:21 -28:00 Preview of Next Week's Program

Get Craig Huey's book, The Great Deception - 10 Shocking Dangers and the Blueprint for Rescuing the American Dream

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ID: 81606

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MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
©2024 - American Family Radio is a ministry division of American Family Association