"Hope for the Caregiver," with Peter Rosenberger, is a weekly broadcast strengthening fellow caregivers.
Healthy Caregivers Make Better Caregivers! That’s Peter’s moto and he helps us deep-dive into some of the mechanics of becoming a healthier caregiver, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
Strengthening the family caregiver - what does that look like? It can look very different depending upon the circumstances, and remembering Christ is where our hope lies has to be key. Part of serving as a caregiver is making hard things bearable and part of serving Christ is being involved in holding back the darkness.
Peter reinforces the importance of boundaries and boarders in our lives, both as caregivers and personally, but also as a nation governed by laws intended to protect it’s citizens.
We proudly re-visit our program from last year, an interview with Laura Story, Praise Leader, composer, recording artist, author, mom and caregiver.
Laura Story (laurastorymusic.com)
This week we get a small peek into Peter & Gracie’s early days, before marriage and after, as Peter reminisces a bit about their upcoming celebration of 38 years – What a ride!
Peter’s thoughts this week may seem unrelated but the central thread for us as caregivers is clarity of thought, clarity of understanding and caution of speech - always a must to avoid giving the best speech you’ll ever regret.
Peter always seeks to encourage his listeners and this week is no exception. His topics include the struggle we caregivers have staying healthy, a word to those dealing with loved ones with addictions caregivers and guest, Kendra White of American Family Association, talking about a new opportunity to grow in grace and confidence through Activate.
Since the shooting attempt of former President Trump, eyes and ears everywhere have been focused on the event and the aftermath. Peter addresses the event from the viewpoint of the caregiver with some insight you may not have yet heard.
This week Peter reminds us just how big sin is in the eyes of our Father and how much bigger the Cross of Christ is that sin. He also shares a conversation with long-time friend and pastor/counselor, Mike Flynn offering insight into the skill of listening. As we live to honor Christ in all things, does the way we listen to others honoring them but first and foremost, are we honoring Christ?
Are you now or have you ever tried to paddle the canoe upstream? It’s not a task Peter recommends, and he helps us recognize it. Then Peter talks with his long-time friend, Dale Richardson, about one way to become a healthier caregiver.
Peter helps us with a reminder that EVERYONE needs time away from the tasks at hand, especially caregivers and he brings rest into focus as some of us have not seen it before.
Peter shares a bit about his trip to South Carolina with us and endeavors to impress upon us the importance of seeking out wise counsel with encouragement to allow ourselves use our experience to listen to our own counsel.
Peter has a bit of encouragement for us caregivers centering around remembering to include our own melodies in our songs of life. Peter is joined by his good and long-time encouragement-offering friend, Pastor Dan Scott to discuss a Biblical approach to dealing with loved ones for whom we care with mental illness and how the church’s response often falls short of the ideal.
Peter’s encouragement for us this week begins with Christ’s command to His followers to strengthen the brethren. Each of us have that duty, as well as to preach to ourselves of the promises of God to His children, remembering that His Word never goes forth in vain; it ALWAYS brings forth fruit.
A little music theory, PLUS Peter’s constant and needed reminder that God has His plans and all that we endure as caregivers is being used by Him to refine and sanctify us for His glory. He IS The Seat of Power.
Three principles for caregivers that Peter often talks about are applicable to our nation in this broadcast.
*Boundaries *Identity and *Sustainability.
If these work well for caregivers they will, and have in the past, be good for our nation.
Peter brings news of surpassing 250 K downloads of the program while encouraging listeners not to try to do this alone. He also asks some hard questions of us, “What can we become through this?” Are we serving our loved ones well? And what is the secret to triumph?
Peter offers help for caregivers when we must deal with people who are out of control, bearing in mind that “Hysterical equals Historical”.
Then Cindy Brinker Simmons, author of Restored: Reconnecting Life's Broken Pieces, joins Peter to offer hope to those who might be living in a fragile place after loss, pain, or grief.
Peter asks some pretty probing questions of us, well worth pondering for our hearts. He also has conversation with Senior Advocate, Kelly O’Connor who brings both knowledge and experience to the table.
“We cannot control the wind, but we can adjust the sails.”
Pete uses a Dolly Parton quote, to help us to be more flexible as caregivers.